BLOG - research

Daily Recap – Friday, 30 June 2023

Markus Weyrich

Daily Recap – Friday, 30 June 2023

That's a wrap! After an exciting week full of personal encounters, scientific debates and inspirational talks, the 72nd Lindau Meeting has come to an end. The last day started with a boat trip from Lindau to Mainau Island hosted by the State of Baden-Württemberg. On Mainau Island, we had an engaging Panel Discussion on "Climate Change and Implications on Health", followed by farewell Addresses.

Daily Recap – Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Markus Weyrich

Daily Recap – Tuesday, 27 June 2023

The 72nd Lindau Meeting is fully underway. The third day of #LINO23 was packed with exiting sessions and opportunities for informal exchange.

Daily Recap – Monday, 26 June 2023

Markus Weyrich

Daily Recap – Monday, 26 June 2023

Today, #LINO23 offered plenty of options for lively exchange, fruitful discussions and fun social events.

Daily Recap – Sunday, 25 June 2023

Markus Weyrich

Daily Recap – Sunday, 25 June 2023

Opening day of the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting: The opening ceremony featured greetings from multiple top-class guests and musical contribution by the Ensemble of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

Inside the Brain’s Navigation System: How Nobel Laureates Revealed Its Mysteries

Andrei Mihai

Inside the Brain’s Navigation System: How Nobel Laureates Revealed Its Mysteries

Believe it or not, humans are really good at navigation. That's what enabled us to navigate the world's oceans and landmasses; it allowed us to find our way in vast spaces and create compact, navigable areas such as modern cities. But what gives us this innate navigation ability has eluded scientists for the longest time, and was ultimately awarded a Nobel Prize in 2014.

Der Preis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2022: Für einen besseren Umgang mit Finanzkrisen

Phil Thornton

Der Preis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2022: Für einen besseren Umgang mit Finanzkrisen

Die drei Ökonomen, die sich den Preis der Sveriges Riksbank für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2022 teilen werden, erhalten die Auszeichnung für ihre Arbeit zum Thema Banken, insbesondere ihre Rolle in Finanzkrisen.

Nobelpreis für Chemie 2022: Chemie, die „klick“ macht

Neysan Donnelly

Nobelpreis für Chemie 2022: Chemie, die „klick“ macht

Der Chemienobelpreis 2022 wird für Arbeiten verliehen, die die synthetische Chemie revolutioniert haben, indem sie nie dagewesene Einblicke in lebende Zellen ermöglichten.

Nobelpreis für Physik 2022: Nachweis und Nutzung der spezifischen Quantennatur

Ben Skuse

Nobelpreis für Physik 2022: Nachweis und Nutzung der spezifischen Quantennatur

Der Nobelpreis für Physik 2022 wird an drei Wissenschaftler verliehen, die bewiesen haben, dass es möglich ist, Teilchen in verschränkten Zuständen zu untersuchen und zu kontrollieren.

Daily Recap – Saturday, 27 August 2022

Annabell Reiß

Daily Recap – Saturday, 27 August 2022

That was #LINOecon! A week full of personal encounters, inspirational talks and fruitful scientific discussions. We were saying goodbye with the traditional boat trip from Lindau to Mainau Island. The scientific programme was concluded with a timely Panel Discussion on "Economics and Politics of War and Sanctions" and the boat trip back to Lindau.

Daily Recap – Friday, 26 August 2022

Annabell Reiß

Daily Recap – Friday, 26 August 2022

Today was the last day of #LINOecon in the Inselhalle, as we will head off to Mainau Island tomorrow, where we celebrate the final day of this eventful week. After a Partner Breakfast and a Morning Workout, the day went on with insightful lectures by several Laureates, Laureate Lunches, Science Walks and Next Gen Economic Sessions. Finally, our Bavarian Evening was a worthy end of the day.

Daily Recap – Thursday, 25 August 2022

Annabell Reiß

Daily Recap – Thursday, 25 August 2022

Today, #LINOecon was once again filled with fruitful debates, lively discussions and personal encounters. The Laureates delivered topical and inspiring lectures and during Next Gen Economics sessions all eyes were on the young economists. Finally, day three was wrapped up by our Panel Discussion about "Social Change and Social Media". 

Daily Recap – Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Annabell Reiß

Daily Recap – Wednesday, 24 August 2022

The second day of #LINOecon offered plenty of options for informal exchange among Laureates and young economists. Subsequent to the Morning Workout and our Partner Breakfast, the day continued with exciting Laureate lectures, Next Gen Economics sessions and the Panel Discussion.