Since 1951, for
more than 70 years,
the Lindau Nobel

Laureate Meetings
support the exchange
between different
generations, scientific
disciplines and cultures.


Francis Arnold talking to Young Scientists during #LINO23


Signing of the Mainau Declaration 2024


Meeting Nobel Laureates: The Inspiration and Importance of Becoming a Mobile Scientist

Physics: Khalid El Bairi

Meeting Nobel Laureates: The Inspiration and Importance of Becoming a Mobile Scientist

Lindau Alumnus Khalid El Bairi reflects how the interaction with Nobel Laureates has shaped his way and shares experiences from his scientific career.


30 Nobel Laureates Sign Appeal Against Nuclear War

On the closing day of the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, 30 Nobel Laureates in Physics and Chemistry from more than 10 countries signed the “Mainau Declaration 2024 on Nuclear Weapons”.

Lindau Mediatheque

Illustration of Natural Experiments

Mini Lecture

Natural Experiments

Our three-part Mini Lecture series introduces the empirical research method of natural experiments in the context of labour economics and education. Watch now!


Call for Peace