Since 1951, for
more than 70 years,
the Lindau Nobel

Laureate Meetings
support the exchange
between different
generations, scientific
disciplines and cultures.


Francis Arnold talking to Young Scientists during #LINO23


Signing of the Mainau Declaration 2024


Women in Research #LINO24: Shanika Galaudage

Physics: Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO24: Shanika Galaudage

Gravitational-wave astrophysicist, Shanika Galaudage, studies collisions between pairs of black holes and/or neutron stars. The #LINO24 Alumna reflects the course of her scientific career.


Job Advertisement: Head of “Young Scientist Support and Academic Partner Relations”

The Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings offers an interesting and challenging position in the team for guest relations, secretariat and accounting.

Lindau Mediatheque

Illustration of Natural Experiments

Mini Lecture

Natural Experiments

Our three-part Mini Lecture series introduces the empirical research method of natural experiments in the context of labour economics and education. Watch now!


Call for Peace