Lindau Alumni

A diverse group of young scientists stand together in a sunny park

Keep the Lindau Spirit

Since 1951, more than 35,000 young scientists and young economists have taken part in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Participating is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that hopefully has a lifelong impact. The unique ‘Lindau Spirit’ creates memories and motivation shared by all generations of Lindau Alumni. Our aim is to unite this global community of scientists spanning different cultures, generations and disciplines.

Lindau Alumni Network

The Lindau Alumni Network is the digital space for Lindau Alumni. This online community includes tools that enable users worldwide to find fellow alumni, share their work, swap stories, and register for Lindau Alumni events. Recent updates, including a relaunch of the mobile app and the possibility to host virtual events within the network, will make the Lindau Alumni Network a further way to educate, inspire and connect.

The Lindau Meetings express their sincere gratitude to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for supporting the project. All former and future participants are invited to join this community and to enrich it with their own ideas and perspectives.

Lindau Alumni Events

As the Lindau Alumni initiative aims to extend the ‘Lindau Spirit’ beyond the boundaries of a weeklong conference, the Executive Secretariat continuously organizes events exclusively for the community, ranging from online seminars and workshops to invitations to art exhibitions and dinners with Nobel Laureates. Lindau Alumni have organized local retreats and we are working on expanding our local chapter network. More information about Lindau Alumni events is available in the Lindau Alumni Network.

Lindau Alumni are the driving force of the Online Sciathon, a 48-hour hackathon-type event and competition. The forth Lindau Online Sciathon will take place in April 2024. Find out more information on

Lindau Alumni Peer Reviewers

Our Lindau Alumni are closely connected to current, cutting-edge research and have already experienced the Lindau Spirit. They are in a unique position to review the work of the Lindau Meeting’s community members. Since 2018, Lindau Alumni from all disciplines have volunteered as peer reviewers in the review process for Next Gen Science and poster sessions during the Lindau Meetings.

Profile picture of Christoph, a man in a suit with glasses and a beard

Christoph Schumacher

Alumni and Community Manager

Phone: +49 (0)  8382 277 31 20