BLOG - science careers

Sisyphus on the Tenure-Track

Arunima Roy

Sisyphus on the Tenure-Track

2018 Lindau Alumna Arunima Roy on the difficulties of finding tenure-track positions for young scientists and possible solutions.

Wie sieht die Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens aus?

Judith M. Reichel

Wie sieht die Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens aus?

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu publizieren ist ein riesiger Anteil im Leben und der Karriere von Wissenschaftlern. Im letzten Jahrzehnt wurde jedoch mehr und mehr Wert auf einzelne große Journale und Impact-Faktoren gelegt. Dies muss geändert werden, aber wie?

Tracing the Beginnings of a Scientific Career

Melissae Fellet

Tracing the Beginnings of a Scientific Career

Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus shared stories from childhood that influenced the beginning of their careers in research

What Will the Future of Scientific Publishing Look Like?

Judith M. Reichel

What Will the Future of Scientific Publishing Look Like?

Publishing papers is a huge part of a researcher’s life and career. But over the last decades more and more emphasis has been put on a handful of big journals and the impact factor has become the currency of academia. This needs to change, but how?

Developing Scientists in Developing Countries

Enrique Lin Shiao

Developing Scientists in Developing Countries

#LINO18 young scientist Enrique Lin Shiao explores how scientific interest in developing countries can be expanded.

Self-Promotion: The Right Way

Alaina G. Levine

Self-Promotion: The Right Way

Self-promotion is a necessary and honourable action in career development, no matter which career path you choose.

Stressed, Depressed and Unexpressed

Amy Shepherd

Stressed, Depressed and Unexpressed

Why mental health issues are ubiquitous in academia, and what we can do about it

Reproducing Research Findings Comes at a Cost

Melania Zauri

Reproducing Research Findings Comes at a Cost

Publish or perish – shall we factor in reproducibility?Publish or perish – shall we factor in reproducibility?

What Your Advisor Didn’t Tell You: You’re a Super Hero and You’ve Got Yottatons of Skills

Alaina G. Levine

What Your Advisor Didn’t Tell You: You’re a Super Hero and You’ve Got Yottatons of Skills

How to recognise your skills and opportunities using the Skill Inventory Matrix

LiNo News

First Webinar for Lindau Alumni

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings offered the first ever webinar exclusively to Lindau Alumni on 22 March 2018, 17.00 CET. Hosted by science writer and career consultant Alaina Levine, the webinar “What Should I Do With My Career? Recognising Your Passion and Catalysing Your Potential” addressed the unique skill sets of Lindau Alumni and discuss […]

#LindauForLife: Leverage Lindau for a Long and Beloved Career

Alaina G. Levine

#LindauForLife: Leverage Lindau for a Long and Beloved Career

To achieve career bliss, you have to start by recognising your own power as a STEM-educated professional.

Rethinking Authorship

Daniel Hornburg

Rethinking Authorship

Author positions serve as the key currency in academic careers. This needs to change, argues postdoctoral fellow Daniel Hornburg.