BLOG - lnlm14

Martin Ballaschk

Quo vadis NMR? – Ein Gespräch mit Kurt Wüthrich

Welche Rolle spielt die Kernresonanzspektroskopie heute in der Forschung?


Daily Recap: 1 July, 2014

In our Daily Recap we take a look back on 1 July, 2014, third day of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

Yasin Emanee

The Story of a Scientific Idea

One of the lectures I was especially looking forward to in the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is Oliver Smithies’s “Where do Ideas come from?”. The human civilization is built upon discoveries and inventions which invariably root to an idea being formed in some blessed mind(s) at some point of time.


Daily Recap: 29 June, 2014

In our Daily Recap we take a look back at the first day of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

Wolfgang Huang

Conquering New Frontiers: Lindau in Space

ESA Astronaut Alex Gerst sends a video greeting to Lindau from the ISS.

Beatrice Lugger

Something worthwhile – Peter C. Doherty

Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty wrote a Beginner’s Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize.

Beatrice Lugger

Lesen, Kommentieren, Mitmachen – #lnlm14

Herzlich Willkommen! Nur noch wenige Tage, dann beginnt die 64. Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagung. Am 29. Juni 2014, Sonntag Nachmittag, werden hunderte Nachwuchswissenschaftler in die Inselhalle strömen und der Eröffnungsfeier entgegenfiebern, während der sie ihre Stars, die Nobelpreisträger, zum ersten Mal für die vor ihnen liegende Woche sehen werden.

Beatrice Lugger

Read, Comment, Engage – #lnlm14

Dialogue is the central feature of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Talk to each other, learn from each other, exchange your ideas. Naturally we continue the dialogue online and want to interact also with you, the interested reader.

Beatrice Lugger

Tweeted and Blogged Science

There is no such star as @Astro_Alex in the German science scene on twitter these days. Alexander Gerst, a geophysicist, volcanologist and explorer is living and working on the International Space Station since May 28 and everyone reading his tweets and his blog can take part of his very special journey.

Susanne Dambeck

What Soccer has to do with Molecular Biology

What happens with oxygen in the lungs? How is the fuel in cells formed, and how is it replenished? And why do soccer players never need to use the toilet in 45 minutes?

Gero von der Stein

Welcome to the Lindau Blog

Finally the time has come: the Lindau Blog is launched. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings now provide a new platform for online debates with blog posts about global scientific topics, current research findings, exciting portraits of Nobel Laureates and young scientists and the interplay of science and society.