Published 15 June 2014 by Gero von der Stein
Welcome to the Lindau Blog
Finally the time has come: the Lindau Blog is launched. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings now provide a new platform for online debates with blog posts about global scientific topics, current research findings, exciting portraits of Nobel Laureates and young scientists and the interplay of science and society. Certainly, all news about the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings will be spread and their social media activities will converge here year-round.
The Lindau Blog is meant to develop into a hub for researchers, lay people fascinated by science, journalists, supporters, partners, alumni, and staff, merely anyone interested in bringing science into society. We hope to encourage debate, share best practice and keep the Lindau community up to date with news, events and the latest research. Thus, guest bloggers, journalists, and all scientific enthusiasts are invited to participate in our online dialogue. If you would like to contribute or have ideas for the blog please contact the blog team.
The 64th Lindau Meeting – #lnlm14 – dedicated to medicine opens its doors in only two weeks. A record number of 37 Nobel Laureates and 600 young researchers from all over the world will congregate in Lindau to discuss science in general, being a scientist, the challenges to medicine and global health care, the difficulties and opportunities of networking, the obstacles in scientific publishing and much more. Lindau will be a hub for the informal exchanges regardless of age, gender, religion, and political boundaries. Our aim is to convert this live hub into an online hub – the Lindau Blog.