Published 30 June 2014

Daily Recap: 29 June, 2014

In our Daily Recap we take a look back at the first day of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.



The 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting started yesterday, on 29 June with an inspiring and emotional opening ceremony. Watch the full Video here:

Yesterday, we also proudly welcomed 26 of the 37 participating Nobel Laureates. Here is the traditional group photo:

Group photo of 26 participating Nobel Laureates of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. (c) LNLM/C. Flemming
Group photo of 26 participating Nobel Laureates of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. (c) LNLM/C. Flemming

For more Pictures please refer to our official FlickR-Account.


The recently launched Lindau Blog was also heavily buzzing yesterday. In our Blogpost of the Day, guest Blogger Stefano Sandrone wrote down his thoughts in preparation of the Meeting.


Attendees and afficionados of the meeting were also heavily engaged in discussions on Twitter using the Hashtag #lnlm14.

Our Tweet of the Day:


Thanks again for everyone involved for making the first day of the Lindau Nobel Laureate so special!