BLOG - Inflation

Money Illusion and Economic Literacy: An Experimental Approach

Helena Chytilova

Money Illusion and Economic Literacy: An Experimental Approach

#LiNoEcon participant Helena Chytilova on why money illusion remains a pervasive phenomenon#LiNoEcon participant Helena Chytilova on why money illusion remains a pervasive phenomenon

Stephanie Hanel

The Ongoing Issue of Dark Matter

New research data is shining an ever brighter light on the Big Bang – but dark matter remains elusive.

Frances Coppola

Christopher Sims: Fiscal Pessimism

In my previous post about Christopher Sims’s lecture at Lindau, I concentrated on his remarks about the increasing “moneyness” of financial assets. When both conventional “money” and other financial assets are highly liquid and fungible, monetary and fiscal policy become indistinguishable. What does that imply for price stability and the role of central banks? The traditional quantity […]

Fabiola Gerpott

Zwischen Small Talk und Smart Talk: Die Nobelpreistagungen beginnen!

Tagungsteilnehmerin Fabiola Gerpott resümiert den ersten Tag von #LindauEcon14.

Rene Tapsoba

Low Inflation Luxury

Is the 2% inflation target a luxury for the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)?