Published 1 July 2021 by Carl Friedrichs

#LINO70 Daily Recap – Thursday, 1 July 2021

The social programme is an inherent part of any Lindau Meeting – online as much as on-site. On the platform participants could meet and chat all week.

This fifth day of #LINO70 might have been the final full-length day of our programme, but there was no sign of slowing down the incredible pace! Early on, the panel discussion on open science with Laureates Elizabeth Blackburn and Randy Schekman presented a vision of what the scientific community should strive for; the third and final session of Next Gen Science gave the last of 20 selected young scientists the chance to present their research; Henry Kissinger offered his perspectives on science and politics; the debate on artificial intelligence gave as much food for thought as the additional 6 lectures and Agora Talks – altogether reason enough to lean back and look back.


Quote of the Day

“I am in awe by what AI and machine learning have achieved, but also concerned that they don’t always work the way we expect them to.”

Vinton Cerf, Turing Prize Winner and one of the “fathers of the internet”

Find the full session “Artificial Intelligence: Promises and Threats” in the Lindau mediatheque.


Session of the Day

Open science means many things that are inherent to the Lindau Meetings: enabling the presentation and discussion of ideas, research and findings; allowing for openly exchanging within and across disciplines; spreading scientific findings and discussion to wider audiences and society; in short, making science openly available and engaging.

All the more important to give this important concern a prominent stage. Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn has not only initiated the Lindau Guidelines – which also call for open science – but was one of the panelists of today’s session of the day, too. The panel, which also included Laureate Randy Schekman and young scientists George Datseris and Michal Jex, discussed open science in detail and formulated clear demands for scientific conduct in the 21st century.


Picture of the Day

Henry Kissinger, Nobel Peace Laureate 1973, joined us digitally today for a conversation about science, politics and the new world order. He described his early curiosity for science and especially his admiration for the philosophical aspects of physics. Watch the whole conversation in our mediatheque

Nobel Laureate Henry Kissinger on screen, video-calling the studio in the Inselhalle.


Blog Post of the Day

Our blog post of the day evolves around laser physics, more specifically, the Agora Talk of three Nobel Laureates: John Hall, Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland. Science writer Ben Skuse encapsulates each Laureate’s talk and explains, how their seemingly separate applications of laser physics are in fact intimately linked.



Figure of the Day: 75

By the end of the week, 75 individual #LINO70 videos will be available in our mediatheque, so you can rewatch your favourite moments at any time or find that intriguing Agora Talk you had to miss for another equally good one. Besides all sessions and videos of the day that have been featured in the daily recaps, there is hours and hours of fascinating and entertaining content. Be sure to check it out, and be ready to be drawn in by the various other formats of our mediatheque.


Tweets of the Day


Follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and Instagram @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LINO70!


Video of the Day

Throughout the week, our moderator Brian Malow has led interviews with young scientists, staff, Lindau citizens, and Nobel Laureates. During one of today’s breaks, he had the opportunity of speaking to Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn. She recalled the origins of the Lindau Guidelines, discussed the issues they address and what they aim to improve. Brian then turned to his second interviewee: young scientist Jana Huisman told him about her #LINO70 experience, the digitally perceptible Lindau Spirit and her contributions to the academic programme so far.


Lindau Guidelines: Goals of the Day


Goals 04 and 05: Publish Results Open Access and Publish Data to Repositories

Open and unobstructed publication and access of scientific findings and data are imperative for proper scientific conduct and, crucially, the advancement of knowledge. Goals 04 and 05 are closely related, as both advocate for making scientific work easily accessible: for reference, use and share and to foster discovery, accumulation of evidence, and minimizing uncertainty. Of course, that is only possible with appropriate reward systems – which Goal 07 addresses.

The Lindau Guidelines: endorsed by many Nobel Laureates – now open for you to sign! 


70 Years Lindau Meetings: Historic Highlight of the Day

Nobel Peace Laureate Willy Brandt speaking in Lindau, 1972.


When Willy Brandt participated in the Lindau Meeting in 1972, he gave a speech entitled “Environmental Protection as an International Task”. While he advocated this necessity back then, 50 years later, the global community is experiencing detriments of climate change and environmental degradation as a result of decades of ignoring scientific findings and warnings. Even to date, some people do not unite behind the current scientific consensus and doubt or distrust science.

But why should we trust science? This fundamental question will be subject of tomorrow’s closing panel discussion of #LINO70.


Outlook on Tomorrow’s Programme

Traditionally, the last day of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings takes place on Mainau island, home of the Bernadotte family. So of course, we’ll take all participants, spread around the globe, with us tomorrow, as we move our studio to Mainau for the final day of #LINO70. From there, we will hear the last panel of the week, before celebrating the end of what hopefully has been an inspiring, thrilling and fun week for everyone!


Find the full week programme in our mediatheque.


Friday, 2 July


08.30 – 09.15 CEST: Welcome from Mainau Island

09.15 – 10.45 CEST: Panel Discussion Why Trust Science?

10.45 – 11.00 CEST: Closing

Rest of the Year

Anticipation of #LINO22

Carl Friedrichs

Carl Friedrichs is part of the communications team of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Before joining the team for #LINO70, he studied International/European Studies and Sustainable Development at Leiden University (The Hague, NL). He's fascinated by the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of the Lindau Meetings.