Published 2 July 2021 by Carl Friedrichs

#LINO70 Daily Recap – Friday, 2 July 2021

Klaus von Klitzing delivering a joyful and heartfelt hymn on the spirit and beauty of the Lindau Meetings, on Mainau island during the closing ceremony.

It wasn’t quite the same without the traditional boat ride on the “Sonnenkönigin” to Mainau island, when all young scientists and Nobel Laureates usually anticipate the scenic beauty and légère atmosphere of the final day. We did, however, make sure everyone at least gets a taste of that feeling and moved our studio to Mainau for the closing ceremony and the last panel of the week: “Why Trust Science?” discussed fundamental questions and issues regarding scientific practice. #LINO70 has come to an official end; but in every end, there lies a beginning!


Quote of the Day

“We’re fighting for the truth and new ideas, and the young generation provides those new ideas.”

Klaus von Klitzing, Nobel Laureate in Physics 1985, and long-time friend of the  Lindau Meetings in his closing speech.


Session of the Day

The session of the day, how could it be different, is our final panel discussion. Panelists were Nobel Laureate Brian P. Schmidt, Carl-Henrik Heldin of the Nobel Foundation, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger of the MPI for the History of Sciences and young scientist Balkees Abderrahman. They discussed various questions related to trust in science and showed how profoundly and committedly “many young and more established scientists” – as moderator Adam Smith put it – are thinking about the issue. A worthy fundamental debate to round off our programme.


Picture of the Day

It is tradition to have one Laureate and one young scientist speak and give a short farewell at each year’s closing ceremony. With our young scientists being spread around the globe this year, we were glad Natalie Schunck could drive the few kilometres from her home town Constance to Mainau island to help us preserve that tradition.

With today, Natalie officially becomes a Lindau Alumna – together with hundreds of other #LINO70 participants. We invite them all to join the Lindau Alumni Network, a lively digital space to stay connected.

Young scientist Natalie Schunck on Mainau island speaking at the closing ceremony on behalf of all young scientists.


Blog Post of the Day

Climate change was a much discussed topic at #LINO70. It became clear that Laureates and young scientists alike perceive it as a global challenge and feel the responsibility of scientists and research to create knowledge about it, offer solutions for it and communicate them. However, this “gargantuan threat”, as science communicator Andrei Mihai labels it in today’s featured blog post, won’t be easily overcome – nor will the scientific community be able to do it alone. The blog article summarises multiple Agora Talks, lectures and discussions from throughout the past week and reflects on the perspectives and solutions offered by our speakers.

The panel on energy and climate from Wednesday, with Laughlin (top), Chu, Skea, Michel, Schmidt, Mengis and Haug (left to right). Click on the image for the session in our mediatheque.


Figure of the Day: 22

Our jubilee meeting evolved entirely around the number 70 – but as this amazing celebration is behind us, we put our eyes on the future. Next year, we will return to the regular, annual numeration for #LINO22! It will be a Chemistry meeting and offers #LINO70 young scientists with a chemistry background the opportunity, to participate on-site in Lindau – together with a new class of Lindau young scientists to be selected soon.

Be sure to regularly check our website and Twitter for announcements regarding applications, Alumni events and offerings and more information about #LINO22.


Tweets of the Day


Follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and Instagram @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LINO70!


Video of the Day

The closing ceremony included a glimpse of the beauty of Mainau island, an address by Countess Bettina Bernadotte, the induction of Dr. Volkmar Denner into the Honorary Senate of the Foundation and two heartwarming speeches about the spirit and merits of the Lindau Meetings: one by Laureate Klaus von Klitzing, the other by #LINO70 young scientist Natalie Schunck.


Lindau Guidelines: Goal of the Day


Goal 06: Work Transparently & Truthfully

The panel discussion of the day made it very clear: we should and must trust science, but science has to honour and earn that trust, too. The Guidelines formulate a threefold responsibility for transparency and truthfulness: in methodology, data and findings; in communication and collaboration; and, finally, in disclosure of funding, affiliations and political or ideological motivations.

The Lindau Guidelines: endorsed by many Nobel Laureates – now open for you to sign! 


70 Years Lindau Meetings: Historic Highlight of the Day

The #LINO70 stage letters on Mainau island, overseeing Lake Constance


#LINO70 joins the ranks of memorable historic highlights since 1951. Lucky for all of us, we can always go back to all the fascinating lectures, engaging Agora Talks and entertaining social activities in the Lindau Meetings mediatheque!


#LINO70 Throwback

Below you can find all daily recaps of the past week. Additionally, you can refer to our blog to find all blog posts of the day, as well as additional ones discussing #LINO70 sessions.

Sunday, 27 June 2021
Monday, 28 June 2021
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Thursday, 1 July 2021


Carl Friedrichs

Carl Friedrichs is part of the communications team of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Before joining the team for #LINO70, he studied International/European Studies and Sustainable Development at Leiden University (The Hague, NL). He's fascinated by the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of the Lindau Meetings.