Published 28 June 2021 by Carl Friedrichs
#LINO70 Daily Recap – Monday, 28 June 2021
Today was an exciting exemplar of what #LINO70 is all about: fruitful discussions, fun social activities and exchange across continents, disciplines and generations. Two of our partners commenced the day hosting lively debates on vaccine development (vfa, Verband forschender Pharma-Unternehmen) and sustainability drivers (BASF). On top of three Laureate lectures and multiple Agora Talks, young scientists and Laureates could interact even closer during the first Open Exchange sessions. Finally, a topical and recurring field was the subject of today’s Panel Discussion: Gene editing, its chances and implications.
Quote of the Day
“A child is a natural scientist, children are curious; they wanna know how things work. That’s something that should be fostered and encouraged in schools. (…) Behind every successful scientist, there’s a successful teacher.”
Peter Agre, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2003
Picture of the Day
Today’s picture of the day shows a joyful occasion: Nobel Laureate Klaus von Klitzing celebrated his 78th birthday today, but that didn’t stop him from giving his Agora Talk on the practical impact of the SI system. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Professor von Klitzing and we hope you enjoyed your cake!
Blog Post of the Day
We warmly recommend the blog post from science writer Hanna Kurlanda-Witek, in which she recapitulates yesterday’s first #LINO70 Panel Discussion on “Corona and Emerging Pandemics”: Science is Everywhere! – especially during a Lindau Meeting that truly spans around the globe!
Tweets of the Day
So excited to be part of this inspiring meeting and have the opportunity to present my PhD research! #LINO70 @lindaunobel
— Ozge_Ozcete (@ozge_ozcete) June 28, 2021
Great advice during the Open Exchange session by @DidierQueloz:
— Saskia Plura ( (@saskia_plura) June 28, 2021
1. Follow your emotions!
2. In order to succeed, you need to get used to failure. Not every idea will work out but you need to keep going!#LINO70
Being able to discuss CRISPR/Cas9, science and scientific careers with @e__charpentier is very unique and inspiring opportunity. Thank you so much @lindaunobel
— Lukas Heumos (@LukasHeumos) June 28, 2021
Follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and Instagram @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LINO70!
Figure of the Day: 15
A total of fifteen Open Exchanges were hosted today, giving Nobel Laureates and young scientists the opportunity of more intimate, informal and, well, open exchange. Through our online platform with many individual sessions, the unique atmosphere of these discussions allowed for personal questions, controversial reflections and in-depth specialist analyses this year as well.
Video of the Day
The Lindau Guidelines were a prominent theme throughout today. Our video of the day is the Mini Lecture Lindau Guidelines, explaining concisely and in a visually appealing way what this important initiative is all about!
Session of the Day
Today’s panel session stood out in particular, as it brought together two Nobel Laureates, Professors Nüsslein-Volhard and Charpentier, with Alena Buyx of the German Ethics Council and young scientist Julia Jansing. The result was a profound, sometimes controversial and always thought-provoking debate on prospects, risks and benefits of gene editing and its applications.
Lindau Guidelines: Goal of the Day
Goal 01: Adopt an Ethical Code
“Scientific research cannot be divorced from its consequences, and neither can a scientist’s actions,” states the first goal of the Lindau Guidelines. Calling to adopt already existing ethical stipulations that provide guidance for moral and ethical decisions for scientists, Goal 01 formulates a three-fold universal ethical code: rigour, respect and responsibility.
Watch today’s project presentation of the Lindau Guidelines to learn more, and find the full text of Goal 01 through 10 on the website through the link below.
The Lindau Guidelines: endorsed by many Nobel Laureates – now open for you to sign!
70 Years Lindau Meetings: Historic Highlight of the Day
The Lindau Meetings have been a cross-border endeavour since their very beginning – but the internationalisation really took off with the early 1970s, when this photo was taken. In 1971, the German Academic Exchange Service began supporting the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. The trend towards globalisation continued, and in 1980 the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation started working with the meetings. Today, there are about 200 academic partners worldwide who send their brightest and most talented young minds to Lindau and make it the diverse, global event that it is.
Outlook on Tomorrow’s Programme
Great things lie ahead on day three of #LINO70: three of our partners start the day off, followed by a general opportunity to maybe share a breakfast/afternoon tea with a fellow young scientist across the globe during the networking break. The academic programme moves forward with lectures, Agora Talks and Open Exchanges scheduled throughout the day. Additionally, another of our outreach initiatives will be presented: the Mentoring Hub. Longing for a musical intermezzo? Don’t miss out on the concert of German singer Max Raabe!
Find the full week programme in our mediatheque.
Tuesday, 29 June
07.15 – 08.30 CEST: Partner Events
08.30 – 09.15 CEST: Break Networking
09.15 – 10.00 CEST: Conversation Fischer
10.00 – 11.00 CEST: Agora Talks
11.00 – 12.00 CEST: Social Programm Concert Max Raabe
12.00 – 13.30 CEST: Open Exchanges
13.30 – 14.00 CEST: Project Presentation Mentoring Hub
14.00 – 15.00 CEST: Agora Talks
15.00 – 15.45 CEST: Lecture Leggett
15.45 – 16.30 CEST Lecture Whittingham
16.30 – 17.00 CEST Break Workout
17.00 – 17.45 CEST: Lecture Semenza
17.45 – 18.30 CEST: Lecture Kaelin
18.30 – 20.15 CEST: Next Gen Science
20.15 – 21.15 CEST: Open Exchanges