Euroscience Open Forum 2018 in Toulouse
The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings will be in Toulouse in July for the Euroscience Open Forum 2018. We’re organising the panel “Bridging the Gap Between Experts and the People: Rethinking Science Communications” with Nobel Laureate Dr. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, consultant Alaina G. Levine and Lindau Alumnae Minu Tizabi and Fabiola Gerpott. The discussion, led by moderator […]
Congratulations to Prof. Stefan H.E. Kaufmann
Happy Birthday to Prof. Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, who celebrates his 70th birthday today! Prof. Kaufmann is a member of the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and, together with Prof. Klas Kärre, scientific chairperson of this year’s 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Stefan Kaufmann is founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in […]
New Topic Cluster: Model Organisms
From yeast to fruit flies – our new Topic Cluster provides an overview of the most important model organisms and how they have enabled Nobel Laureates to make ground-breaking discoveries, including clippings of lectures from laureates Günter Blobel, Elizabeth Blackburn, Craig Mello, Harald zur Hausen, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi. >> Read Topic Cluster
New Series of Mini Lectures on DNA
Our latest, three-part series of Mini Lectures sheds light on DNA structure, replication, natural variations and genetic egineering and the scientists behind the discoveries. The short videos also feature clippings from lectures by Nobel Laureates James Watson, Elizabeth Blackburn and Oliver Smithies. >> View Mini Lectures
General Data Protection Regulation
With the new European General Data Protection Regulation coming into effect on 25 May, we would like to give you an overview how we process your data. In our newsletter, we provide detailed notes on data protection and the European General Data Protection Regulation. >>Read notes on data protection
Submissions for #LINO18 Poster Sessions and Master Classes
The submission period for both the poster sessions and the Master Classes is now closed. The Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings has received a record 380 poster applications this year. Over 180 young scientists have applied for the Master Classes. Over previous years, both programmes have been established as key components in sharing […]
#LINO18 Preliminary Programme Online
The preliminary programme of the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Physiology/Medicine) is now available online. In addition to lectures, panel discussions, poster sessions and Master Classes, this year’s programme features new formats such as Agora Talks, Science Walks, a Life Lecture and Laureate Lunches. Some of the key topics will include the circadian rhythm, personalised medicine, genetic engineering, […]
Peter Grünberg 1939–2018
We mourn the loss of Nobel Laureate Peter Grünberg, who sadly passed away at the age 78 last week. The German physicist received the Nobel Prize in Physics 2007 together with Albert Fert for discovering a new physical effect: Giant Magnetoresistance. He studied in Frankfurt and Darmstadt and carried out research at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, […]
First Eddy Fischer Lindau Fellowship from the Vallee Foundation
Dr. Martine Abboud, University of Oxford, is the first recipient of the Eddy Fischer Lindau Fellowship by the Vallee Foundation. Dr. Abboud is thrilled about the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: “I would like to genuinely thank the Vallee Foundation. The Lindau Meeting will be a brainstorming session that will definitely widen my perspective and help me to […]