Published 12 July 2012 by Alexander Bastidas Fry
A Picture Diary of Lindau
Sometimes I forget to explain the strong cultural element that is present in Lindau because I am so interested in the science. Here is a selection of some of my favorite pictures that I took this while at the conference. I hope they may convey some amount of the people’s enthusiasm and the entire spirit of Lindau.
An intense lion I found on the facade of a building on a side street.
Kurt Wüthrich explains the linear structure proteins using his belt.
In a lively debate Carlo Rubbia, Geoffrey Carr, Georg Sütte, Robert Laughlin discuss the future of energy.
Peter Grünberg demonstrates the importance of harmonies with a live example of Alpine Folklore Music.
I love the cultural night on Thursday where many attendees wear traditional clothes.
This creature, somehow, has something to do with Baden-Württemberg I think.
Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt can dance.
The countess Bernadotte and myself on the boat returning from the island of Mainau.
The blog team in action discussing the finer points of science communication.
The Lindau lion guards the harbor.
Another view of the Lindau lion. Yes, there are lots of lion statures in Lindau.
The Lindau light house in the morning.
A turtle and a butterfly in the butterfly house on Mainau.
A fluttering butterfly takes a rest in the butterfly house on Mainau.
David Gross pauses to let a butterfly rest on his hand.
A student grabs an apple, perhaps of knowledge.
The island of Lindau looking very classic.