BLOG - crystals

Adversity, Quasicrystals and a Nobel ─ the Forbidden Fivefold Symmetry that Was

Andrei Mihai

Adversity, Quasicrystals and a Nobel ─ the Forbidden Fivefold Symmetry that Was

The quasicrystal debate: how Nobel Laureate Dan Shechtman fought to prove the existence of the “forbidden symmetry”. This is the perfect outlook for the Wednesday of #LINO22, when Dan Shechtman will give his Agora Talk.

The Story behind the Hype: Cockroach Milk

Harini Barath

The Story behind the Hype: Cockroach Milk

Behind the recent buzz lie years of hard work in the lab and a story of scientific perseverance.Behind the recent buzz lie years of hard work in the lab and a story of scientific perseverance.