BLOG - Bernadotte

Beatrice Lugger

Lindau as an outstanding laboratory

Hundreds of young people with backpacks talking in various languages are here in Lindau.  A woman in the bus this morning said: „I don’t know where all these people come from, but it is all about the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, right?“ The small town Lindau in the southwest of Germany is ‚flooded’ these days […]

Markus Pössel

Mit der Tagung aufgewachsen: Ein Interview mit Bettina Gräfin Bernadotte

Die Geschichte des Lindauer Treffens ist eng mit dem Namen der schwedischen Adelsfamilie Bernadotte verknüpft. Das Treffen war von zwei Ärzten aus Lindau initiiert worden, die sich mit der Idee an Lennart Graf Bernadotte wandten. Der nutzte seine familiären Beziehungen zur schwedischen Königsfamilie und seine Kontakte zum Nobelpreis-Kommittee, um die ersten Einladungen an die internationalen […]

Beatrice Lugger

A History with Future – The Lindau Meetings

Does anyone, who joins the Lindau Meeting know, why 20 to 30 Nobel Laureates meet at this beautiful spot with young researchers every year since 1951? Did Alfred Nobel live in Lindau? Not at all.  In 1951 two physicians in Lindau, six years after the end of World War II, thought of how to overcome […]


The countess and her cowboy hat

This is the 61th year that the Nobel Laureate Meetings have been held at Lindau. The conference was held for the first time in 1951, funded by the wealthy count Lennart Bernadotte, as an effort to restore the international scientific ties that had been severed by the war. The count’s daughter, Bettina Bernadotte, has been […]

Beatrice Lugger

The spirit of Lindau: the past, present & future of the meetings

The years following the Second World War were dark days for science in Germany. But in 1951, a light began to glimmer. Two physicians from the island of Lindau, supported by wealthy Swedish count Lennart Bernadotte, established a meeting of Nobel Laureates.