Published 31 July 2014

Faces – Young Scientist Profile: Alaa Al Khourdajie

Today on Faces: Alaa Al Khourdajie, participant of #LindauEcon14.

In Faces we portray the young scientists of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and give them an open forum to talk about their research and everything else that is important to them. Everybody should feel encouraged to also share their own thoughts and stories.


On his research interests:

“I am currently conducting research on the formation and stability of international climate change agreements using methods from non-cooperative game theory. In particular, I am trying to understand the implications of establishing linkages between climate and trade agreements as well as using trade policies in climate agreements. The outcomes of my research should offer policy makers at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the World Trade Organisation new policy options and agreements’ designs that are welfare-enhancing and able to reach higher membership and higher emission reductions.”


On the challenges of an economist’s life:

“Economics is a very exciting and challenging topic at the same time. Most of the research outputs from economics influence policy makers and hence our daily life. Therefore, each economist should not only have strong grounding in the economic methods they are using, but also strong understanding on the current status of the related policy debate so that their research feeds directly into this debate.”


On his road to Lindau:

“I heard about the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Economic Sciences two years ago and since then I decided to apply for the next meeting. I applied through my department in Bath University and was lucky enough for having my application accepted.”


On his expectations on the Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences:

“I am very much looking forward to the opportunity of hearing from the Nobel Laureates on all the different topics in the programme. I am also looking forward to meeting and networking with the other fellow young researchers. Given my research topic is based on methods from game theory, I hope that I have the chance to talk to Professor Nash and Professor Myerson briefly about my work and get some insights from them.”

More Info on John Nash and Roger Myerson can be found at the Lindau Mediatheque.

To join the debates and reach out to other participants use the Twitter Hashtag: #LindauEcon14.