Published 4 July 2014

Daily Recap: 3 July, 2014

For the last day of the scientific programme The Daily Recap takes a look back at Thursday, 3 July 2014 at the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

Yesterday after Oliver Smithies’ lecture “Where Do Ideas Come From?” thunderous applause rang throughout the Inselhalle. Why? See for yourself in our Mediatheque:

The Picture of the Day: It’s a grand tradition for Young Scientists from all over the world to show off traditional clothes of their own cultures at the Bavarian Evenings of the LIndau Meetings.

Cultural Diversity at the Bavarian Evening. BIld: LNLM/C. Flemming
Cultural Diversity at the Bavarian Evening. BIld: LNLM/C. Flemming

For more Pictures please refer to our official FlickR-Account.


Tweet of the Day:
