Published 29 June 2010 by Lou Woodley
Photoblog: what’s Lindau actually like?
Are you curious to know what it’s actually like to be at Lindau? Where do the lectures take place and where do we write our blogs? I’ve included a few pictures from the last 2 days to give a flavour of what it’s like to be here.
If these photos have whet your appetite, you may also be interested in the two Flickr competitions were running this year, each giving entrants the chance to win a Flip HD camera. In the first competition, which anyone can enter, you need to upload and/or tag photos of Nobel Laureates in science. In the second competition, for attendees only, we’re looking for a photo that best summarises the "Lindau experience". Anyone can view the entries in our Flickr gallery and do feel free to leave any comments there or on this blog.
Morning Traffic Jam
If you’re not one of the few people who is actually staying on Lindau Island (the Laureates aren’t and neither are the bloggers) then cycling becomes a popular option for getting around. However, whether you’re walking or cycling you need to leave plenty of time to allow for delays at the level crossing near the entrance to Lindau station. Yesterday we had to wait for over 10 minutes while 5 different trains went by!
The Nucleus of the Meeting
The Opening Ceremony, all of the morning lectures and many of the social events take place in the Inselhalle, the island’s conference centre. Facing the water on one side, including a terrace restaurant, this is the nucleus of the meeting. Feeding the hundreds of participants takes place in a large marquee on the lawn next to the Inselhalle, but you need to be prompt to avoid the queues of other hungry attendees.
A spot of tourism after registration
For many (me included) this is the first time that they’ve visited Lindau, and with the weather so perfect this week, attendees were understandably taking the opportunity for a look around town after registration. Do say hello if this is you in the photo.
The home of the blog team
The Inselhalle has a mezzanine in the roof where the media teams can often be found. Here Akshat (right) and Bastian (left) are pictured hard at work on new blog posts. Note that there are endless supplies of coffee and mineral water to keep us going!
Lindau’s classic landmarks
On the opposite side of the island to the Inselhalle, looking out onto Lake Constance with Austria and Switzerland in the distance, is Lindau harbour. It’s home to the Bavarian Lion statue and the only lighthouse in Bavaria. This is where the boat trips for the Laureates and attendees leave from.