Published 29 June 2018 by Kathryn Trotter

#LINO18 Daily Recap – Friday, 29 June 2018

After a week filled with impassionate lectures, insightful discussions and an abundance of scientific exchange we have come to the end of our  68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting – before we bid you farewell, take one more look at our highlights from Friday.


Picture of the day:


Young scientist Nataly Naser Al Deen gave a heartfelt farewell speech to all #LINO18 participants.

Photo/Credit: Gero von der Stein/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings


For even more pictures from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, past and present, take a look at our Flickr account.


Blog post of the day: 

Young scientists attending a Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting frequently ask the laureates for career advice. In her latest blog post Tracing the Beginnings of a Scientific Career, Melissae Fellet describes  J. Michael Bishop’s and Harold Varmus’ experiences on career planning.  

Harold Varmus J. and Michael Bishop during the #LINO18 Agora Talk. Photo/Credit: Julia Nimke/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings


Do take a look at more exciting blog posts.


Tweets of the day:

Last but not least, follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and Instagram @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LINO18


Video of the day:

A glimpse of the final day of #LINO18 filled with inspiring encounters, fruitful discussions and last but not least a great party.


Obviously, this is not the only video of #LINO18! You are more than welcome to browse through our mediatheque or our YouTube channel for more!


This was our last Daily Recap. We hope you enjoyed this week as much as we did and felt the Lindau Spirit!

Goodbye Lindau Alumni! Let’s stay connected!

Kathryn Trotter

Kathryn Trotter is a member of the communications team of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Before joining the Lindau team, she studied American Studies, with focus on International Relations and Religious-Cultural Studies at the Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg. The international context of the meetings reflects her personal interest in cultural exchange. She is excited to experience the unique Lindau Spirit and meet many new people from all over the world.