Published 27 June 2017 by Laura Schönhardt
#LiNo17 Daily Recap – Monday, 26 June 2017
Yesterday, the scientific programme of the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting commenced. It was a fantastic day full of science and exchange – this short recap can only give you a glimpse of everything that happened, but for us the following are our personal highlights!
Video of the day:
The first of today´s many inspirational lectures was the one given by Bernard L. Feringa, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. He took the young scientist on a journey into the world of molecular switches and motors, the process of discovery and his personal experiences through his scientific career. In particular, he addressed how fundamental questions and molecular beauty have guided him on this journey.
Picture of the day:
Nobel Laureate Martin Chalfie enjoys interacting with young scientists.
For even more pictures from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, past and present, take a look at our Flickr account.
Blog post of the day:
Mexico hosted the International Day on Monday. A good reason for us to feature a young scientist from Mexico, Ana Torres, who said: “I urge each woman […] to play an active role in our nation.”
Do take a look at more exciting blog posts.
Tweets of the day:
Inspirational Martin Chalfie, Nobel winner of Chemistry in 2008, shared a photo with us after a small private talk ! #LiNo17
— Stellicious (@Stella_Fa) 26. Juni 2017
So it starts with Prof Feringa inspiring us about building it small :). Excellent orator @lindaunobel #LiNo17
— Aditi Borkar (@BattyBoffin) 26. Juni 2017
“Believe me in Mexico there are no climate change deniers because we suffer its consequences everyday”says @aurelionuno #LiNo17 @lindaunobel
— Benito Mirón (@benitomiron) 26. Juni 2017
Last but not least, follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and Instagram @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LiNo17
Over the course of the next five days, we will keep you updated on the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting with our daily recaps. The idea behind it is to bring to you the day’s highlights in a blink of an eye. The daily recaps will feature blog posts, photos and videos from the mediatheque.