Published 30 June 2023 by Markus Weyrich

Daily Recap – Friday, 30 June 2023

Better than expected: Pleasant weather conditions made for a great Science Picnic for the Young Scientists. Photo/Credit: Julia Nimke/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

That’s a wrap! After an exciting week full of personal encounters, scientific debates and inspirational talks, the 72nd Lindau Meeting has come to an end. The last day started with a boat trip from Lindau to Mainau Island hosted by the State of Baden-Württemberg. On Mainau Island, we had an engaging Panel Discussion on “Climate Change and Implications on Health”, followed by Farewell Addresses by Countess Bettina Bernadotte, Nobel Laureate William G. Kaelin Jr. and Young Scientist Hadeer Elhabashy. In the afternoon, our traditional Science Picnic was a great possibility to once more feel the Lindau Spirit. Eventually, we headed back and said farewell to the Laureates after #LINO23 officially ended with our arrival in Lindau harbour.

Quote of the Day

“The irony is, you, the Young Scientists, have inspired us. So thank you on behalf of the Nobel Laureates.”

William G. Kaelin Jr., Nobel Laureate in Physiology/Medicine 2019, in his Farewell Address

Impressions 30|6

Holding up the tradition of Young Scientists delivering a Farewell Address on Mainau Island: Hadeer Elhabashy (Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Germany).

From the Blog

At #LINO23, Nobel Laureate Sir Martin J. Evans spoke about his research on Stem cells, CAR-Ts, and an Electric Nose. Read the concise summary of his lecture on our blog.

Fact of the Day

Six Laureates were in Lindau for the first time and contributed to the programme of this year’s Nobel Laureate Meeting: Frances H. Arnold, Mario R. Capecchi, Emmanuelle Charpentier, John O’Keefe, Charles M. Rice and Morten Meldal.

They are now also engraved on the Lindau Nobel Laureate Pier.

Friday Tweets

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram and read about the many unique impressions of #LINO23 on our social wall!

Today’s Highlight Session

The last session of the scientific programme, our Panel Discussion on “Climate Change and Implications on Health”, was the grand final of #LINO23. 

#LINO23 Throwback

We hope you enjoyed our daily recaps this week. Below you can find all editions of the past week. Additionally, you can refer to our blog to find all posts of the day, as well as additional ones discussing #LINO23 sessions.

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Monday, 26 June 2023

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Markus Weyrich

Markus Weyrich is part of the communications team of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. He's currently studying Media and Communication at Technische Universität Ilmenau and joined the team for #LINO23.