BLOG - Medicine

#LINO23 Alumna Shatarupa Bhattacharya: Enthusiasm and Motivation Matter

Shatarupa Bhattacharya

#LINO23 Alumna Shatarupa Bhattacharya: Enthusiasm and Motivation Matter

Shatarupa Bhattacharya focuses on the genetic disorder thalassemia as well as on blood-borne infectious diseases such as malaria and toxoplasmosis. She shared her #LINO23 experiences and reviewed her career as a female scientist from India.

Women in Research #LINO23: Greta Zaborskyte

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Greta Zaborskyte

Greta studies how the critically important bacterial pathogen, Klebsiella pneumoniae, evolves inside human hosts during colonisation and infection and explores it can improve its biofilm formation.

Women in Research #LINO23: Julia Gensheimer

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Julia Gensheimer

Julia Gensheimer studies T cell development from hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells at UCLA. She hopes the findings will influence regenerative medicine and therapies for age-related diseases.

Women in Research #LINO23: Avi Aizenman

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Avi Aizenman

Our eyes are constantly moving, allowing us to process the world around us. Avi studies the eye movements we make as we move around our natural world and in environments like virtual reality. She is one of the "Women in Research" portrayed in the blog series by Ulrike Böhm.

LiNo News

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023

On Monday, 2 October 2023, the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman.

Women in Research #LINO23: Sandra Wagner

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Sandra Wagner

Sandra Wagner, postdoctoral researcher and deputy group leader at University of Tübingen, Germany concerns nearsightedness, termed myopia,

#LINO23: Immense Inspiration and a Change of Perspective

Ulrike Böhm

#LINO23: Immense Inspiration and a Change of Perspective

Five Lindau Alumna 2023 who were interviewed for the blog series "Women in Research" reviewed their experiences in Lindau.

Women in Research #LINO23: Alicia L. Bruzos

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Alicia L. Bruzos

Alicia, Lindau Alumnua 2023, from Spain is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Université de Caen in France. Her research focuses on cancer genomics and the molecular basis of marine contagious metastasis.

Women in Research #LINO23: Trishla Sinha

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Trishla Sinha

Trishla Sinha, PhD student at the University Medical Center Groningen, aims to identify factors that shape the maternal and infant gut microbiomes and viromes, focusing on birth and environmental factors.

Women in Research #LINO23: Liyana Binti Azmi

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Liyana Binti Azmi

Liyana is a lecturer at University Sains Islam Malaysia. Her research focuses primarily on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through understanding protein structure and functions.

Women in Research #LINO23: Magdalena Migalska

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Magdalena Migalska

Magdalena from Poland is a Postdoc at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. She studies the evolution of the vertebrate immune system, focusing on the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) – a set of molecules central to molecular self/non-self recognition and the adaptive immune response.

Women in Research #LINO23: Mirian Krystel De Siqueira

Ulrike Böhm

Women in Research #LINO23: Mirian Krystel De Siqueira

Mirian from Brazil is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Her current research interests rely on understanding the landscape of translation regulation in the development of obesity and systemic metabolism.