BLOG - Twitter

Tweeting at the Meeting: Twitter Guide to #LINO19

Alaina G. Levine

Tweeting at the Meeting: Twitter Guide to #LINO19

Alaina Levine gives strategic advice how to efficiently use Twitter during #LINO19.

Melissa Terras

The verdict: is blogging or tweeting about research papers worth it?

Eager to find out what impact blogging and social media could have on the dissemination of her work, Melissa Terras took all of her academic research, including papers that have been available online for years, to the web and found that her audience responded with a huge leap in interest in her work.


Autographs vs. #NobelSelfie

Meeting Participants Renata Gomes and Adam Spencer had a Nobel Laureate Fan Competition. Find out who won!

Beatrice Lugger

This could raise your citation level – Barry Marshall

Barry Marshall always is an early adopter and always has been. He seems to be a person, who really wants to figure things out. Marshall is not only famous for his findings – he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together with J. Robbin Warren in 2005 “for their discovery of the bacterium […]

Beatrice Lugger

Something worthwhile – Peter C. Doherty

Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty wrote a Beginner’s Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize.

Beatrice Lugger

Read, Comment, Engage – #lnlm14

Dialogue is the central feature of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Talk to each other, learn from each other, exchange your ideas. Naturally we continue the dialogue online and want to interact also with you, the interested reader.

Beatrice Lugger

Tweeting Lindau

Let’s break down barriers – #lnlm14

Beatrice Lugger

Zwitscherndes Lindau

An jenem Higgs-Mittwoch, am 4. Juli des Jahres 2012 hatte Brian Schmidt, Nobelpreisträger für Physik, in Lindau während der Präsentation der Ergebnisse am Forschungszentrum CERN seinen noblen Kollegen David Gross und Lars Bergström vom Nobelpreiskommitee für Physik abgelichtet und dies getwittert:

Beatrice Lugger

Tweets und Blogs zur Wissenschaft

@Astro_Alex ist der Shooting-Star der deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsszene auf Twitter. Er ist Alexander Gerst, ein Geophysiker, Vulkanologe und Abenteurer. @Astro_Alex lebt und arbeitet seit 28. Mai diesen Jahres auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS. Wer seine Tweets und seinen Blog verfolgt, kann an seiner einzigartigen Reise teilnehmen.