BLOG - science and politics

How Science Can Tackle the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Samer Kurdi

How Science Can Tackle the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

2019 Lindau Alumnus Samer Kurdi writes on what science can do to tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Some Surprising Words of Wisdom

Karen Stroobants

Some Surprising Words of Wisdom

Lindau Alumna Karen Stroobants from Belgium reflects on the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingLindau Alumna Karen Stroobants from Belgium reflects on the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

After the March: Continuing to Speak up for Science

Melissae Fellet

After the March: Continuing to Speak up for Science

For scientists deciding how to engage with current politics, there are no easy answers. But history can provide some ideas for action. For scientists deciding how to engage with current politics, there are no easy answers. But history can provide some ideas for action.