BLOG - Portrait

Kelly Oakes

Kroto: Science is “lost in translation”

If you don’t know English, you can still understand Shakespeare’s stories, Sir Harold Kroto told me after his lecture at Lindau on Thursday. But, crucially, “you cannot understand his use of language, because language is a cultural thing – and the culture is lost in translation.”  ‘Lost in translation’ was the title of Kroto’s lecture […]

Christine Ottery

Researcher portrait: Madhurima Benekareddy

lindaunobelMadhurima Benekareddy is a 27-year-old researcher standing at the cross-roads of psychology and neuroscience. She researches the effects of trauma on the brain in its delicate stages of development, when we are children and adolescents, at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India. The young brain is more plastic, and therefore can be particularly badly affected by negative – or positive – events. Trauma […]