BLOG - Peter Diamond

Is Economic Policy Ready for the Next Crisis?

Phil Thornton

Is Economic Policy Ready for the Next Crisis?

At #LiNoEcon, three Nobel Laureates explored economists’ understanding of how policies on taxes, public spending and interest rates work together in a time of crisisAt #LiNoEcon, three Nobel Laureates explored economists’ understanding of how policies on taxes, public spending and interest rates work together in a time of crisis

‘Homo Economicus’ Reconsidered

Ben Chu

‘Homo Economicus’ Reconsidered

Nobel economists rebel against simplistic conceptions of rationality at #LiNoEconNobel economists rebel against simplistic conceptions of rationality at #LiNoEcon

Good Pension Design

Phil Thornton

Good Pension Design

At #LiNoEcon, Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond focused on the role of economic research in delivering a good pensions systemAt #LiNoEcon, Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond focused on the role of economic research in delivering a good pensions system

Matthias Müller

Buchrezension: Ökonomie für Neugierige

Der Vorwurf an Ökonomen lautet oft, ihr Fach und ihr Denken seien eindimensional. Wie falsch diese Kritik ist, zeigt ein Buch mit Beiträgen von zwölf Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträgern.

Philippe Legrain

Peter Diamond: Stimuli & Unemployment

Author Philippe Legrain collected some interesting statements from Peter Diamond at #LindauEcon14.