BLOG - Paul Dirac

Geniuses are getting older


Geniuses are getting older

Statistically, Nobel Prize-worthy discoveries take place in a much later stage in the life of a scientist today than in the past.Statistically, Nobel Prize-worthy discoveries take place in a much later stage in the life of a scientist today than in the past.

Patricia Edema

New Topic Cluster: Quantum Mechanics

The Lindau Mediatheque is proud to present yet another new topic cluster, this time dealing with quantum mechanics.

Stephanie Hanel

Paul Dirac: The Quiet Genius Died 30 Years Ago

He is considered to be an important founding father of modern quantum physics, his books are still standard reference works, and many people have heard of one of the technical terms named after him. But who is the person behind these terms – who was Paul Dirac?

Stephanie Hanel

Paul Dirac. Zum dreißigsten Todestag des stillen Genies.

Sein wissenschaftliches Werk hat den Grundstein für die moderne Quantenphysik gelegt, seine Bücher sind noch heute Standardwerke und viele haben zumindest schon mal einen der nach ihm benannten Begriffe gehört. Aber der Mensch hinter den Begriffen ist weitgehend unbekannt. Wer war Paul Dirac?

Ashutosh Jogalekar

Heisenberg and Dirac

Beatrice’s story about Heisenberg possibly inspiring the "Schunkelwalzer" dancing tradition at Lindau reminds me of an ancedote about Heisenberg and Paul Dirac. Both were two of the most accomplished scientists of the twentieth century who made foundational contributions to quantum mechanics. But while Heisenberg loved song, dance and wine, Dirac was a very quiet man […]