BLOG - music

Young Scientists at #LINO23: Marianna Kapsetaki – Bridging Science and Art

Marianna Kapsetaki

Young Scientists at #LINO23: Marianna Kapsetaki – Bridging Science and Art

Marianna Kapsetaki will attend the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. And hopefully collect valuable memories at Lake Constance, a place she has not visited, yet – though touring globally as a classic pianist and scientific speaker. In regard of her research, memorability is one of her main subjects.

William Moerner on Multidisciplinarity

William Moerner

William Moerner on Multidisciplinarity

One of the 2014 Nobel laureates in chemistry shares his thoughts on the topic.One of the 2014 Nobel laureates in chemistry shares his thoughts on the topic.

Linda Moussakova

The Art of the Nobel Prizes

As Nobel Week 2014 is approaching Linda Moussakova shares an overview of the various art projects related to the Nobel Prizes.