BLOG - Martin Evans

Christian Schumacher

Nature film from Lindau sheds light on cutting edge drug research

The third movie out of the Nature Video Lindau Collection 2014 has been published. It features Nobel Laureates Martin Evans and Oliver Smithies and examines how the side effects of drugs can be combatted.

Christine Ottery

The future of biomedicine in global health

The future of medicine is contained in ‘The Four Ps’: Personalised, Predictive, Preventative, and Participatory. Aaron Ciechanover, speaking on a panel on the future of biomedicine at the Lindau meeting, explains: "We may have the ability to profile patients before they get sick, therefore we may have the ability to predict diseases – and also ‘preventative’ […]

Beatrice Lugger

Sir Martin J. Evans – Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2011

The Lability of the Differentiated State

Tobias Maier

Noble Sätze – Verraten Original-Publikationen den Nobelpreis?

Wie alle Wissenschaftler publizieren auch zukünftige Nobelpreisträger ihre Forschungsergebnisse in peer-revieweten Wissenschaftsmagazinen. Ihre ursprünglich veröffentlichten Ergebnisse, Thesen und Ideen sind in den digitalen Archiven der Wissenschaftsliteratur auch Jahre und Jahrzehnte später konserviert, als wären sie erst gestern publiziert worden.  Lucas Brouwers, der Kollege im englischen Lindau Blog und dessen Blogpost ich hier frei übersetze, hatte […]


Sentences that win Nobel prizes

Nobel laureates, like all scientists, have published their findings in peer-reviewed journals. Their initial results, theories and thoughts in these publications have been preserved in the digital archives of the scientific literature, as if they have been frozen in time. I thought it would be a nice idea to go back to these papers, and […]