BLOG - Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Membranproteinen ihre Geheimnisse entlocken

Susanne Dambeck

Membranproteinen ihre Geheimnisse entlocken

Nobelpreisträger Hartmut Michel analysiert seit Jahrzehnten Membranproteine: Auf ihren Funktionen basiert das meiste Leben auf der Erde und sie spielen bei vielen Krankheiten eine entscheidende Rolle.Nobelpreisträger Hartmut Michel analysiert seit Jahrzehnten Membranproteine: Auf ihren Funktionen basiert das meiste Leben auf der Erde und sie spielen bei vielen Krankheiten eine entscheidende Rolle.

Roger Tsien: “All Colours of the Rainbow”

Susanne Dambeck

Roger Tsien: “All Colours of the Rainbow”

The American Nobel Laureate provided the tools to watch living cells in real time with the help of fluorescent dyes.

Obituary for Roman Herzog (1934 – 2017)

Gero von der Stein

Obituary for Roman Herzog (1934 – 2017)

The former German Federal President supported the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings for many years.The former German Federal President supported the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings for many years.

Committed to Teaching Science and Entrepreneurship: Dan Shechtman

Susanne Dambeck

Committed to Teaching Science and Entrepreneurship: Dan Shechtman

The Nobel laureate is passionate about teaching researchers how to start a business, and about teaching science to children.The Nobel laureate is passionate about teaching researchers how to start a business, and about teaching science to children.

Bohr & Heisenberg: Two Physicists in Occupied Copenhagen

Susanne Dambeck

Bohr & Heisenberg: Two Physicists in Occupied Copenhagen

A meeting of two giants of physics that might have changed the course of historyA meeting of two giants of physics that might have changed the course of history

How to Tickle Worms

Susanne Dambeck

How to Tickle Worms

Nobel Laureate Martin Chalfie explains how his research group discovered the "shadow nervous system" of the roundworm C. elegans.Nobel Laureate Martin Chalfie explains how his research group discovered the "shadow nervous system" of the roundworm C. elegans.

Würmer kitzeln leicht gemacht

Susanne Dambeck

Würmer kitzeln leicht gemacht

Nobelpreisträger Martin Chalfie erklärt, wie er und sein Team das "Schatten-Nervensystem" des Fadenwurms entschlüsselt haben.Nobelpreisträger Martin Chalfie erklärt, wie er und sein Team das "Schatten-Nervensystem" des Fadenwurms entschlüsselt haben.

Daily Recap, Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Max Benatar

Daily Recap, Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Relive the best moments of the third day of #LiNo15Relive the best moments of the third day of #LiNo15

Science in Africa

Susanne Dambeck

Science in Africa

The 'mobile revolution' also helps research by circumventing infrastructure problems.The 'mobile revolution' also helps research by circumventing infrastructure problems.

Professor Elizabeth Blackburn on Unconscious Biases

Stephanie Forkel

Professor Elizabeth Blackburn on Unconscious Biases

Interview by Stephanie Forkel and Henrietta HowellsInterview by Stephanie Forkel and Henrietta Howells

Susanne Dambeck

“The laureates enjoyed to reveal a little bit about themselves”

Volker Steger had an unusual idea: he asked Nobel Laureates to draw their respective topics, then he photographed them with their sketches. An exhibition of these remarkable images has already travelled around the world.

Susanne Dambeck

Preisträger dürfen „ein bisschen von sich preisgeben“

Volker Steger hatte eine Idee: Er ließ Nobelpreisträger zeichnen, meist ihr Spezialthema, dann fotografierte er sie samt Zeichnung. Eine Ausstellung dieser Bilder hat schon die ganze Welt bereist.