BLOG - Gerhard Ertl

Beatrice Lugger

Industry’s rare resources (Catalysis – Grubbs & Ertl)

Almost all industrial processes rely on catalysts, which increase the rate of chemical reactions. Many catalysts are made from rare metals – and the young researchers in this film are worried about them running out. They put the problem to Nobel laureates Robert Grubbs and Gerhard Ertl. The group discusses how dwindling supplies of rare […]

Kathleen Raven

Energy storage, rare metals and the next ice age

The holy grail of energy storage may lie in chemical bonds, but a process for making this happen remains unknown. All of the Nobel Laureates who weighed in yesterday on a chemical energy conversion panel agreed on this much. “Replacement of liquid fossil fuels is still in far reach,” said moderator Wolfgang Lubitz, director of […]

Simon Engelke

Ein Tag in Korea

Schon länger habe ich mit dem Gedanken gespielt, Asien und besonders Korea einen Besuch abzustatten. Die dortigen rasanten Entwicklungen, besonders in der Technologie, finde ich sehr faszinierend. Am Montag hatte ich Gelegenheit zumindest einen ersten Eindruck von diesem Land zu erhalten – während der Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagung, deren diesjähriger internationaler Tag von Süd-Korea gestiftet wurde. Dies […]

Beatrice Lugger

Energy for Early Birds

This morning my alarm rings at 5:50 a.m.. It is my Science Breakfast Morning of the week: ‘How does Surface Science Contribute to Solve Global Energy and Environmental Issues?’. Star guest of this event upon invitation of the Republic of Korea is Gerhard Ertl, the Surface Master and Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2007.   Arriving […]