BLOG - Climate Change

4 Young Scientists and an Important Topic: Climate Change

Stephanie Hanel

4 Young Scientists and an Important Topic: Climate Change

The Catholic Pope and the Young Scientists agree: climate change is our most pressing problem.The Catholic Pope and the Young Scientists agree: climate change is our most pressing problem.


New Mini Lecture: The Future

What will the future bring? Since the dawn of history this question has excerted an incredible fascination.


Faces – Young Scientist Profile: Alaa Al Khourdajie

Today on Faces: Alaa Al Khourdajie, participant of #LindauEcon14.

Lou Woodley

Climate change – challenges, concerns and communication

If the first session of plenary lectures focusing on cosmology made us feel somewhat insignificant compared to the huge time scales involved in studying the universe, the second set of talks underlined how dramatic man’s impact on Earth has been and the challenges facing scientists in communicating this.     "The warming of the climate […]

Beatrice Lugger

Interview with Sherwood Rowland – Climate Change, Ozone, misleading Campaigns

Twenty five years ago, the discovery of the ozone hole above the Antarctic made waves. The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, which protects Planet Earth from 90% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, diminished. Only two years later, in 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed. There would not have been a chance to stop this […]

Beatrice Lugger

Climate change: The two-degree target lnlm09

This short film was made at the 2009 Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Germany…Seek advice from climate experts including the IPCC’s Rajendra Pachauri, challenge the sceptical views of political scientist Bjørn Lomborg, and learn lessons from the Nobel Laureates who showed that CFCs were destroying the ozone layer. published October 14th 2009