BLOG - black holes

Picturing the Heart of Our Galaxy

Ben Skuse

Picturing the Heart of Our Galaxy

Lindau Alumni Anne-Kathrin Baczko and Ziri Younsi played key roles in capturing the image of the Milky Way’s dark heart.

Designing Black Holes in the Lab

Alexander Kruchkov

Designing Black Holes in the Lab

Lindau Alumnus Alexander Kruchkov plans to create black holes in a lab.

Amazing Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Susanne Dambeck

Amazing Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Gravitational waves reveal an astounding number of black hole mergers – and help scientists to solve astronomical mysteries.Gravitational waves reveal an astounding number of black hole mergers – and help scientists to solve astronomical mysteries.

What Happened With Cosmic Inflation?

Susanne Dambeck

What Happened With Cosmic Inflation?

Researchers thought they had found traces of gravitational waves from the earliest moments of the Universe. But they probably saw only dust.Researchers thought they had found traces of gravitational waves from the earliest moments of the Universe. But they probably saw only dust.