
Published 29 May 2019 by LINO News

Selection Results for #LINO19 Master Classes and Poster Session

A young scientist presents his work during a #LINO18 Master Class. Photo/Credit: Christian Flemming/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

The young scientists for the Master Classes and the Poster Session at the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting have been selected. Out of 135 applications, the Nobel Laureates Albert Fert, Carl E. Wieman, Serge Haroche & David J. Wineland and Brian P. Schmidt have selected 14 young scientists who will have a chance to present their work during one of four Master Classes.

Based on 300 applications, 30 young scientists have been selected to present their work at the Poster Flashes and Poster Session – and to enter the poster contest. For the first time, a number of further qualified young scientists will have the chance to show their posters in a digital format during the meeting week. Like last year, the applications were pre-evaluated by Lindau Alumni peer reviewers.