
Published 2 December 2021 by LINO News

Lindau Mentoring Hub: Launch of a New Online Platform

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings have launched the Lindau Mentoring Hub, a new online platform to gather mentors and mentees in a digital network. Its goal is to further support Lindau Alumni, young scientists and young economists by helping them gain access to support and guidance through mentoring relationships. The platform is also open to Nobel laureates who would like to engage with the next generation of scientists in this way.

From the start, the Lindau Mentoring Hub addresses a variety of cases, including short-term advice and longer-term career development mentoring, and mentoring topics, including transitioning between academia and industry or diversity in science. Leading up to the next nomination and application process, potential applicants will be able to receive advice from Lindau Alumni in fall 2022 and learn how to manage the application process successfully.

Find detailed information in our press release.