Published 9 September 2014 by Nadine Gärber
LNLM15 wants YOU!
The definitive guide on applying for LNLM15 as a young scientist.
The 2014 Lindau Nobel season has just ended but we are already looking forward to the the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in 2015 which will be the 4th Interdisciplinary Meeting with Nobel Laureates from the fields of Physics, Physiology or Medicine and Chemistry.
Are you a young scientist? Are you studying/doing research in Physics, Medicine, Chemistry or any related fields? Have you ever dreamt about meeting the luminaries of science? Are you interested in meeting peers from around the world who are just as enthusiastic as you? Ever wanted to visit Germany’s beautiful south side at the shores of Lake Constance? If you kept nodding while reading all of these questions then good for you – you’ve come to the right place! With this guide we want to answer all your questions and show you the way to become part of #LNLM15.

Step One: Each and every year the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings together with their academic partner institutions aim to bring the world’s brightest young minds in research together with the most revered scientists in their respective fields, the Nobel Laureates. To ensure sustaining the high level of exellency the Lindau Meetings are known for we compiled a list of selection criteria. If you are thinking about applying please follow this link and take a close look at the prerequisites. Only if you meet all the requirements your application will have a chance to be successful.
Step Two: Check the list of our Academic Partner Institutions to find out if it contains a partner in your country. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are cooperating solely with one partner institution per country. Therefore, if there is an institution listed for your country the only way to apply for participation is through them. Exception: Since we are based in Germany it is the only country where we have several partner institutions. If you’re applying from Germany read through the list to see which institution might be the right one to cover your field.
Case A – Your home country is represented on the list: Hurry to contact the listed institution to find out who is handling the Lindau nominations and talk to that person. She or he will guide you through the further application process and will explain any special further requirements the academic partner might have. If you’re interested there is no time to loose – applications are only accepted through September 2014. Our academic partners will review all the applicants and then make their own decisions about who they want to nominate for the Lindau Meeting. The nominees of all our partners will then be sent to the scientific chairpersons of the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings who in turn will decide who will be eventually accepted.

Case B – Your home country is not represented on the academic partner list: First of all, don’t worry! The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings place great value in fostering the scientific dialogue not only between generations but also between cultures. We are proud to invite young scientists from over 80 countries and all corners of the world every year. To reach this goal we are always looking to find new academic partners in countries we don’t cover yet. For people from these places (or ex-pats who are not eligible for application through our partners) we implemented the open application process. For the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting the open application will be possible from 19 September to 20 October, 2014. During this time the starting page of our website will feature a direct link to the open application form that can’t be missed. Applicants will have to register and fill out a short profile. The open applications will be directly reviewed by Lindau’s scientific chairpersons. If your application is accepted it will be added to the pool of nominations by our academic partners giving you the same chances to participate as people whose applications come in through institutions. But remember: Open applicants must meet the same requirements as all the others.
If you have any further questions my colleagues from the young scientist support team and me will gladly answer them and try our best to help you out. You can find our contact details at the end of this blog post. Before contacting us, please take a look at our FAQ. Maybe it will already answer your question. If it doesn’t don’t hesitate to send an email to us or call.
Special notes to current Academic Partners and possible future ones
We produced this short film to stress how important the collaboration with academic partner institutions is for us. From providing the funding for the students’ participation in the Lindau Meetings to establishing high quality nomination processes all across the world that help to select the best of the best out of the thousands of applications – our meetings wouldn’t be possible without the help and support of our academic partners.
If you are reading this and working for a research organization, educational foundation or a similar entity in a country which is not part of our network yet please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always eager to find new partners among the world’s leading scientific organizations and to become even more globally connected. In general we are looking for academic partners that can represent and cover a whole country.
Of course there are also a lot of benefits for institutions partnering with the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Academic partners will be prominently featured in all of our communications efforts reaching the top media outlets from around the globe. Furthermore the international scientific network we created is invaluable in creating long-lasting relationships across borders, cultures and continents. But above all the most important reason to becoming an academic partner is the opportunity to provide the young scientists of your country with the possibility to take part in the Lindau experience providing them with inspiration and motivation that last for a lifetime.

To all the Lindau alumni reading this:
Did you enjoy your stay in Lindau? Are you still in contact with the wonderful people you met here? Does it still help to motivate you in your research? If the answer to any one of those questions is ‘Yes!’ then why not help the next generation to get their own Lindau experience? Become an ambassador for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and spread the word about us (and this blog post) to the people at your university. Try to answer their questions if you can or direct them to the people you know who can help them.
For all questions related to applying for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings as young scientists or for any inquiries about academic partnerships please contact our young scientists support team:
Nadine Gärber
Head of Young Scientist Support and Academic Partner Relations
Phone: +49 (0) 8382 277 3114
(Academic Partners Relations, Nomination & Selection Process, Travel/Boarding/Lodging)
Nesrin Karabag
Young Scientist Support and Academic Partner Relations
Phone: +49 (0) 8382 277 3117
(Contact to Academic Partners, Nomination & Selection Process, Travel/Boarding/Lodging)
Karen Otto
Young Scientist Support and Academic Partner Relations
Phone: +49 (0) 8382 277 3117
(Nomination & Selection Process, Travel/Boarding/Lodging)
I hope this blog post was helpful to anyone interested in applying for the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.
See you in Lindau!