Published 28 June 2020 by Philipp Reichle

#LINOSD Daily Recap – Sunday, 28 June 2020

Today marked the first day of the scientific programme of the Online Science Days 2020. It was an inspiring day with fascinating discussions – this short recap can only give you a glimpse of everything that happened.


Quote of the Day

“Science has no bounndaries, whether national, ethnic, gender or racial!”

Barry C. Barish


Picture of the Day

Countess Bettina Bernadotte delivering her opening speech.

Picture/Credit: Christian Flemming/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings


Comment of the Day

“This panel and discussion has been excellent, as a young scientist who happens to be a Black woman in the US. I feel like science has been discouraging to people who look like me, and I think discussions like these need to be more frequent and need to be followed by action.”

Khadija Wilson


Blog Post of the Day

In our blog post of the day Ben Skuse writes about today’s debate on International Scientific Collaboration. Find out more here.


Tweets of the Day

Follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and Instagram @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LINOSD!


Session of the Day

Our session of the day is today’s debate on International Scientific Collaboration.


Figure of the Day

young scientists and young economists were invited to the Online Science Days 2020 as well as to the Lindau Meetings 2021.


Video of the Day


Lindau Guidelines Goal of the Day

Picture/Credit: Patrick Kunkel/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Outlook on Tomorrow’s Programme

Tomorrow starts with the first complete day of #LINOSD. Monday focuses on the topic that interferes with the daily life of all people around the globe. The programme will discuss the Corona pandemic from a natural science and economic perspective. Additionally, the finalists of the Sciathon will present their projects concerning “Capitalism after Corona”.

Full Programme on


Monday, 29 June 2020


06.00 CEST: Debate “Corona – The Role of Science in Times of Crisis”

07.30 CEST: Conversation “Immunity”

08.30 CEST: Conversation “My Brain & Me”

09.30 CEST: Expo & Networking


10.30 CEST: Next Gen Science I

11.30 CEST: Sciathon Results I Capitalism after Corona

12.30 CEST: Next Gen Science II

13.30 CEST: Expo & Networking


14.30 CEST: Talk “Inequalities and COVID-19”

15.30 CEST: Conversation “Corona: Developing-Country and International Perspectives”

16.30 CEST: Debate “Corona and the Economy: Mitigating the Crisis”

Philipp Reichle

Philipp Reichle is part of the communications team of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. He studied Economics, Sociology, and Politics in Friedrichshafen, Odense (DK) and Tübingen and is passionately curious about scientific research as well as science communication.