Published 5 July 2019 by Isa Fünfhausen
#LINO19 Daily Recap – Thursday, 4 July 2019
Thursday was the last full day of the #LINO19 scientific programme, including the third Poster Session, the official opening of our Lindau Nobel Laureate Pier and, last but not least, the Bavarian Evening. Let’s take a look at what happened yesterday:
Quote of the day:
“Some young people may change the world by discovering something new, by observing something new, don’t knock it down before you think. […] Don’t kill young ideas.“
Dan Shechtman
Picture of the day:
By adding the guardrail bearing her name, Nobel Laureate Donna Strickland officially inaugurated the Lindau Nobel Laureate Pier during yesterday’s ceremony.

For even more pictures from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, past and present, take a look at our Flickr account.
Blog post of the day:
In his #LINO19 lecture, Wolfgang Ketterle emphasised the need for a playful attitude to physics. Read the blog post by Benjamin Skuse.
Take a look at many more exciting blog posts.
Tweets of the day:
Another early morning at the beautiful island of #Lindau, a refreshing morning workout! Really good concept after a couple of intense meeting days. #LINO19
— Staffan Dahlström (@stdahlst) July 4, 2019
Stimulating discussions between young scientists and Nobel Laureates at the Lindau Meeting. @lindaunobel #LINO2019
— Greta Babakhanova (@Gretik_) July 4, 2019
Extended South crew! Thank you @lindaunobel for a great Bavarian night and @cosmicpinot for the photo! #LINO19 @AnnaKormu @healytwin1 @thomas_nicolel @KIMEELS @iammatuba
— Peter Boorman (@boorm) July 4, 2019
#LIN019 the traditional photo of all the brilliant Lindau nerds in their beautiful native garb with the lovely Countess Bettina!! #levinelindautakeover #networkingfornerds @AlainaGLevine
— Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (@lindaunobel) July 4, 2019
Follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and Instagram @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LINO19!
Video of the day:
In this year’s Life Lecture, Nobel Laureate Claude Cohen-Tannoudji gave insights in his personal and scientific path.
You are more than welcome to browse through our mediatheque for more videos and pictures of #LINO19.
Also on the last meeting day, we will keep you updated on the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting with our daily recap. The idea behind it is to bring to you the day’s highlights in a blink of an eye. The daily recap will feature blog posts, photos and videos from the mediatheque.