Published 29 June 2014 by Dr. Gerhard Ecker
Lindau’s Lord Mayor Dr. Gerhard Ecker: Welcome to Lindau!
The city of Lindau’s Lord Mayor Dr. Gerhard Ecker joins our online community to welcome all participants of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.
Dear Guests, dear Citizens,
as Lord Mayor of the beautiful city of Lindau it is my particular pleasure to welcome all participants of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.
Why do 37 Nobel Laureates, 600 Young Scientists, many international guests from politics, academia, industry and society as well as more than 100 journalists convene just here? What do they have in common with the 25,000 people living in Lindau, somebody might ask.
In my opinion it is a similarity in spirit. Here in Lindau we love to have a quiet little moment from time to time standing lakeside and let our eyes gaze upon the wide horizon of Lake Constance. These are the moments which give birth to dreams and great ideas fueled by curiosity and ambition. The participants of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings of course have their own moments like this located on a thousand different places spread all across the globe and yet they all come together here in our beautiful town to share their dreams and inspirations creating new ideas contributing to the benefit of mankind. With this particular mindset they couldn’t be a better fit for Lindau.
As a representative of the citizens of Lindau I want to convey how proud we are of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. In a combined effort lasting over 60 years the organisers and the city succeeded in completing a great task: making innovation a tradition.
However the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are not only about ideas, they are also about people. The aspect I perhaps enjoy most is the cultural diversity the meetings bring to our city. For example seeing Indian ladies in stunningly colorful saris dancing with the locals in traditional Bavarian garments is just one of the many unforgettable memories of tolerance and friendship that Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings have brought to town. This cosmopolitan attitude is almost poetically reflecting the way of life here at Lake Constance’s quadripoint.
The meeting participants and Lindau citizens might usually be divided by hundreds or thousands of miles but if you really think about it, they are very close: United in curiosity.
This is why I am especially looking forward to the Grill & Chill on Tuesday evening, where Lindau citizens and the meeting participants will meet for a lakeside barbecue.
Dr. Gerhard Ecker, Lord Mayor of the City of Lindau