Published 27 August 2014 by Simon Engelke
#LindauEcon14 Encounters
Lindau Blog Reporter Simon Engelke met some of the brilliant Young minds of #LindauEcon14. Here are his impressions.
Where are you from? In Lindau you will get 80 different answers. What do you do? Get ready for around 460 different answers. The past days offered an impressive variety of research focuses and personal stories. Except being smart and ambitious the participants showed a great sense of humor and quite a few anecdotes – some of them are shown below in the pictures of my encounters with them.
Oluwasola decided to go to Xiamen, China, to dive deeper into the field of energy economics, with the ambition to help his home country Nigeria in the future.
Paul did experimental and theoretical work on the question of when to take a job and how anticipation and regret impact decision-making.
Melissa dealt with the second generation of biofuels in Kansas, a US state with great usage of wind power, and now looks into the impact of policy changes on power plants.
Alexandra asked the question what would happen if the majority of prisoners was released and found out (by scrutinizing archival data) that at one Point 90 percent of prisoners were actually released in the DDR (German Democratic Republic).
Jeffrey from the USA studied aerospace engineering, built satellites for two years and got a master’s degree in civil engineering before he turned towards economics.
Jan looked at the effects of the alcohol-selling ban past 10pm in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, in his PhD.
Elif and Nergis from Turkey did a survey with 4000 school children to motivate young girls in their home country and to investigate behavioral changes in that age group.
Have a funny story to share? An unforgettable Lindau Moment? Something interesting about your research more people should know about? Send us an email and/or take to Twitter using the hashtags #lindauecon14 and #lindauanecdotes.