Veröffentlicht 29. Juli 2021 von Oluwabunmi Adejumo

Being a Problem Solver

Oluwabunmi Adejumo is conducting research in social science with focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Photo/Credit: kertlis/iStockphoto

Oluwabunmi Adejumo is working as lecturer and researcher in the field of development issues at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife and as a research fellow at the Covenant University in Ota, both located in Nigeria. The social scientist is invited to the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences that will take place in August 2022. Learn more about the background of her research, how she is dealing with the pandemic and what she plans for the future.

I have decided to become a scientist simply because I am interested in being a problem solver. And since I am a social scientist, I am committed to conducting research and need-based interventions that address human problems and promote the world we want or desire in terms of development. My interest in development issues and particularly the issue of sustainability cuts across the environment, labour, gender, entrepreneurship and rural-urban development.

My decision to work on development subjects stems from the peculiarity of sub-Saharan Africa and its status of underdevelopment, which in turn has influenced every aspect of life to include migration, conflicts and insecurity, corruption and inequalities.

Oluwabunmi Adejumo
Oluwabunmi Adejumo includes both qualitative and quantitative techniques in her research. Photo/Credit: Courtesy of Oluwabunmi Adejumo

My research methods include both qualitative and quantitative techniques. While the qualitative methods employ content and thematic analysis, the quantitative dimensions use impact evaluation techniques. And I am currently working on litigant right reforms and its impact on human capital development and across gender in some African economies.

Impact of the Current Situation

The Corona Pandemic has had positive and negative impacts on my career. Basically, the positive dimension stems from the lockdown policy which gave me ample time for my research assignments. The negative dimension is that it has limited my physical attendance in fellowships, conferences and workshops; thereby, limiting my opportunities to initiate and firm up prospective collaborations and interactions.

My research focus has not been adversely affected directly by the pandemic. I see the pandemic as a major shock that will run its course and go with time, therefore, I could study its effects overtime and incorporate these aspects in my work.

Lindau Meeting in Summer 2022

My main goal for the Lindau Meeting in summer 2022 is to meet and learn from senior and contemporary experts in Economic Sciences on issues that could assist me professionally as well as Africa’s development.

About This Series

Within the next year you will find more young economists who are selected for #LINOEcon on the blog to learn more about their career, their research and their plans for the future.

Oluwabunmi Adejumo

Oluwabunmi Adejumo is conducting research in social science at Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife and at the Covenant University in Ota, both located in Nigeria. She was a fellow of the Center for Effective Global Action, University of California, Berkley, United States. She is currently working on a JPAL funded development project in rural primary schools in Nigeria. She will attend the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences in 2022.