Published 2 July 2015 by Max Benatar
Daily Recap, Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Video of the day:
The video of the day is the footage of Steven Chu’s “Random Walk in Science“.
This is not the only video from today! You are more than welcome to browse through our mediatheque for more.
Blog post of the day:
Akshat Rathi who is writing for our blog had the splendid idea of asking the Nobel Laureates he has interviewed the same five questions. Here is what Venkatraman Ramakrishnan answered:
Do take a look at even more exciting blog Posts.
Picture of the day:
The picture of the day shows Wole Soyinka who gave an admonitory lecture in Lindau’s theatre last night.

For even more pictures from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, past and present, take a look at our Flickr-account.
Tweets of the day:
Thanks to all the engagement it was hard to settle on specific tweets. Yet, we managed to decide on these:
Loved @ProfPCDoherty‘s enthusiasm for #SciComm @lindaunobel. Lots of encouragement to young scientists to write/talk about science! #LiNo15
— Maria Delaney (@mhdelaney) July 1, 2015
Between B Schmidt and S Perlmutter I feel I am finally understanding something about cosmology! #Lifeachivement #LiNo15
— Agathe Chaigne (@AgChaigne) July 1, 2015
Hilarious that Giaever gave his talk on the #hottestdayoftheyear. #LiNo15
— Julia Nepper (@DietDrNepper) July 1, 2015
Last but not least, follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LiNo15