Published 30 June 2015 by Max Benatar
Daily Recap, Monday, 29 June 2015
Video of the day:
Yesterday’s video of the day is Stefan Hell’s lecture on “Optical Microscopy: the Resolution Revolution“.
This is not the only video from today! You are more than welcome to browse through our mediatheque for more.
Blog post of the day:
The blog post of the day is Martin Chalfie’s comment “On Multidisciplinarity”
Do take a look at even more exciting blog posts.
Picture of the day:
Here’s out picture of the day from yesterday’s International Get-Together hosted by this year’s partner country France:

For even more pictures from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, past and present, take a look at our Flickr-account.
Tweets of the day:
Just like yesterday, we do not want to deprive you from seeing what journalists, Young Scientists and even Nobel Laureates tell the world about the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Here are our tweets of the day:
“Interdisciplinarity either gets u the Nobel prize or it gets you lost.” Sybille Anderl #LiNo15, kicking off panel discussion w/ Stefan Hell
— Max Planck Society (@maxplanckpress) June 29, 2015
#BREAKING: Nobel laureates communicate #science to rm of 650 diff people & do it well. #LiNo15: challenging stereotypes since 1951. #scicomm
— Mallory Ladd (@MassSpecMaven) June 29, 2015
African scientists, don’t wait 4 politicians to fund research. Lead & make them follow – Prof Barré-Sinoussi (2008, HIV discovery) #LiNo15
— Tendai Gadzikwa (@TendaiGadzikwa) June 29, 2015
Last but not least, follow us on Twitter @lindaunobel and keep an eye out for #LiNo15