BLOG - Science & Society

Sins and Ghosts: Epigenetics as a Hot Research Topic

Arunima Roy

Sins and Ghosts: Epigenetics as a Hot Research Topic

Lindau Alumna Arunima Roy on the development of epigenetics as a research field.

How Science Can Tackle the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Samer Kurdi

How Science Can Tackle the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

2019 Lindau Alumnus Samer Kurdi writes on what science can do to tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Mental Health: When Silence Isn’t Golden

Arunima Roy

Mental Health: When Silence Isn’t Golden

#LINO18 Alumna Arunima Roy writes about mental health and the problem of its stigmatisation in society.

What Can We Do to Improve Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM?

Niamh Kavanagh

What Can We Do to Improve Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM?

#LINO19 young scientist Niamh Kavanagh on strategies how to foster equality, diversity and inclusion in STEM.

The Green Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Wolfgang Huang

The Green Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Back in 2014, we implemented the first measures to make the Lindau Meetings greener. What happened since?

Marshland Restoration Counteracts Climate Change

Kai Lohbeck

Marshland Restoration Counteracts Climate Change

Why the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings support the Degermoos marshland project.

Africa’s Next Generation – How to Support Africa’s Science Structures for Young Scientists

Wolfgang Huang

Africa’s Next Generation – How to Support Africa’s Science Structures for Young Scientists

Lindau Alumni as well as partners of the Lindau Meetings were asked about their thoughts on the current status of scientific excellence in Africa.

Young Researchers and Science Communication: Results of an Extensive Survey

Carsten Könneker

Young Researchers and Science Communication: Results of an Extensive Survey

What do young scientists think about external science communication? A survey among young scientists provides insightful answers.

Science’s Broader Scope: The Diplomatic Ground

Melania Zauri

Science’s Broader Scope: The Diplomatic Ground

Lindau Alumna Melania Zauri talks about 'science diplomacy' and gives best practice examples.

Folding and Moulding Outreach into Your Professional Pathway

Alaina G. Levine

Folding and Moulding Outreach into Your Professional Pathway

Science journalist Alaina G. Levine gives helpful advice how to integrate 'scientific outreach' into your academic career.

Strategies for Science Communication in a Post-Factual Era

Melissae Fellet

Strategies for Science Communication in a Post-Factual Era

A panel discussion on the last day of #LINO18 engaged young scientists and raised challenging questions.

Crowdsourcing a Protein to Detoxify Aflatoxin

Melissae Fellet

Crowdsourcing a Protein to Detoxify Aflatoxin

Academic researchers, a leading life sciences supplier and one of the world’s largest food manufacturers are working together to solve a global problem of food contaminated with a cancer-causing fungal toxin.