Meet Carlo Antonini, graduate student in Italy and lnlm10 participant
Meet Carlo Antonini, a graduate student at the University of Bergamo in Italy. He is one of 650 young researchers who will attend the 60th Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany.
Corinna Reisinger – young researcher at lnlm09
A brief interview with one of the young researchers attending the Lindau Nobel conference – Corinna Reisinger from Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
Climate change: The two-degree target lnlm09
This short film was made at the 2009 Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Germany…Seek advice from climate experts including the IPCC’s Rajendra Pachauri, challenge the sceptical views of political scientist Bjørn Lomborg, and learn lessons from the Nobel Laureates who showed that CFCs were destroying the ozone layer. published October 14th 2009
Jennifer Murphy – young scientist in Lindau
A brief interview with one of the young scientist attending the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting – Jennifer Murphy from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Jan Wedekind – young researcher at lnlm09
A brief interview with one of the young researchers attending the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting – Jan Wedekind of University of Barcelona, Spain
Fenja Schoepke – young researcher at lnlm09
A brief interview with one of the young researchers attending the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting – Fenja Schoepke of RWTH Aachen, Germany
Ghada Al-Kadamany – young researcher at lnlm09
A brief interview with one of the young researchers attending the Lindau Nobel conference – Ghada Al-Kadamany from Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany
Anna-Maria Huber – young researcher at lnlm09
A brief interview with one of the young people attending the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting – Anna-Maria Huber from the Lindau high school