BLOG - The Lindau Experience


Faces – Young Scientist Profile: Esteban Hernandez-Vargas

Today in „Faces“: Esteban Hernandez-Vargas from Mexico.

Kirsty Short

Expectations: Kirsty Short

In “Expectations” our authors describe their Feelings looking Forward to the Lindau Meeting. In this Edition it’s the turn of guest Blogger Kirsty Short.


Faces – Young Scientist Profile: Meghan Azad

Science never sleeps. Especially not on Bavarian holidays. So here is a new issue of “Faces” featuring Meghan Azad from Canada.


Faces – Young Scientist Profile: Prakash Bajgain

This time on “Faces”: Prakash Bajgain from Nepal.

Gero von der Stein

“A fabulous forum for a real scientific exchange” – Interview with Erwin Neher

An interview with Nobel Laureate Erwin Neher about his research and his Lindau experience.


Faces – Young Scientist Profile: Caroline Hoppe

The second issue of “Faces” introduces German undergraduate Student Caroline Hoppe.

Gero von der Stein

Welcome to the Lindau Blog

Finally the time has come: the Lindau Blog is launched. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings now provide a new platform for online debates with blog posts about global scientific topics, current research findings, exciting portraits of Nobel Laureates and young scientists and the interplay of science and society.


Faces – Young Scientist Profile: Stefano Sandrone

In the first issue of “Faces” we introduce Italian Neuroscientist Stefano Sandrone.

Kathleen Raven

An Interview With A Young Researcher: Bettina Keller

On the boat trip to Mainau Island Noble Laureate Steven Chu takes part in a lively conversation  with young scientist Bettina Keller at the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

Simon Engelke

Living in Lindau – Video blogger Núria Sancho Oltra

Soon we will reach the end of our stay in Lindau, where we experienced sunshine and thunderstorms. But the title is not referring to that. The case mentioned in this article deals with a participant, for who Lindau became home over the period of this meeting. But lets start in the beginning. To spread out […]

Akshat Rathi

I’m not a chemist, but at the Lindau meeting that doesn’t matter

I love robots (who doesn’t?) and really enjoy the work roboticists do. All through graduate school, I had a roboticist as a housemate. We talked about how difficult it is for robots to things that we humans take for granted. Show a robot a picture of the street and it won’t be able to differentiate […]

Ashutosh Jogalekar

Lindau: A receding horizon, now within reach

This is a post that almost did not get written. In 2009 I attended the Lindau Meeting and had a wonderful time interacting with researchers and students and partaking of choice morsels of scientific fellowship. Since then the organizers of the meeting have been kind enough to invite me every year, but each year some […]