Daily Recap – Tuesday, 23 August 2022
An eventful opening day of the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences has come to a close: The official Opening Ceremony featured greetings from various top-class guests and was followed by the start of the scientific programme.
Welcome to Lindau – Preparations for #LINOecon
Lindau is excited to finally welcome young economists from all over the world. For an easy start of the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences, we have prepared all information you need in regard of travelling to Lindau and attending the meeting.
Young Economists at #LINOecon – Shift From Macro to Micro
2022 young economist Oluwabunmi Adejumo will participate virtually in #LINOecon. She recently made a shift in her research perspective.
The Prize in Economic Sciences 2021: How Natural Experiments Help Answer Important Questions for Society
The Prize of the Sveriges Riksbank in Economic Sciences will be awarded to three professors who have spent their careers carrying out experiments in real life.
How Auction Theory Could Help Distribute Vaccines Equitably Across the World
When auctions are well-designed, they benefit everyone, including the bidders and the auctioneers. Maybe a way to distribute vaccines worldwide?
Being a Problem Solver
2022 young economist Oluwabunmi Adejumo decided to work on different perspectives on the economies of sub-Saharan Africa.
Handling COVID-19 and Climate Change, a Familiar Tragedy Looms
What do green pastures, COVID-19, and climate change have in common? More than you probably think, it´s all about the "Tragedy of the Commons".
Women in Research: Mengqiao Du From China
Mengqiao is a PhD student in the field of economics at University of Mannheim, Business School, Germany.
Personalising the Climate Change Narrative
A day packed with climate change presentations highlighted the need to go beyond doom-laden statistics and draw out relatable stories that engage policymakers, business leaders and the public.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Vulnerable Populations
During the Online Science Days 2020 Nobel Laureates called for the governments all around the world to care about vulnerable groups.
Future-Proofing the Global Economy After COVID-19
A key takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic has been the need to build resilience into the global economy. Two Online Science Days 2020 sessions on Monday 29 June illuminated potential solutions.
Future Chemistry: Learning from Nature to Build a Sustainable Future
In a series of lectures and debates at #LINOSD the panels discussed recent progress and future prospects of Chemistry, and there are reasons to be both concerned and excited.