Lise Meitner – Fame without a Nobel Prize

Research: Stephanie Hanel

Lise Meitner – Fame without a Nobel Prize

The story of a brilliant physicist and why she wasn't awarded.The story of a brilliant physicist and why she wasn't awarded.

The Many Lives of Steven Chu

Research: Susanne Dambeck

The Many Lives of Steven Chu

From quantum physics and molecular biology to energy politics and climate change: meet an extraordinary Nobel Laureate.Dieser Nobelpreisträger kennt sich nicht nur in der Quantenphysik aus, sondern kümmert sich auch um Molekularbiologie, Energiepolitik und engagiert sich im Klimaschutz.

Nature Outlook 2015: Science Master Class

The Lindau Experience: developer

Nature Outlook 2015: Science Master Class

Read Nature's new Lindau-themed supplement for free onlineRead Nature's new Lindau-themed supplement for free online

Video: The pigeon, the antenna and me with Robert Wilson

The Lindau Experience: developer

Video: The pigeon, the antenna and me with Robert Wilson

Radio astronomer Robert Wilson recalls a pair of pigeons who almost thwarted the discovery of cosmic background radiation.Radio astronomer Robert Wilson recalls a pair of pigeons who almost thwarted the discovery of cosmic background radiation.

Video: One Photon’s Journey with Saul Perlmutter

The Lindau Experience: developer

Video: One Photon’s Journey with Saul Perlmutter

The third movie of the Nature Video Lindau Collection 2015 The third movie of the Nature Video Lindau Collection 2015

2015 Nobel Prize in Economics: Consumption, great and small

Research: Romesh Vaitilingam

2015 Nobel Prize in Economics: Consumption, great and small

Angus Deaton of Princeton University has been awarded this year’s Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences ‘for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare’.Angus Deaton of Princeton University has been awarded this year’s Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences ‘for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare’.

Video: Fluorescence is a State of Mind, feat. Stefan Hell

Allgemein: Gero von der Stein

Video: Fluorescence is a State of Mind, feat. Stefan Hell

The second movie of the Nature Video Lindau Collection 2015

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015: The Tool Box for DNA Repair

Research: Susanne Dambeck

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015: The Tool Box for DNA Repair

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 was awarded to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar for showing on a molecular level how cells repair damaged DNA.Der Chemienobelpreis 2015 geht an Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich und Aziz Sancar. Die drei Forscher haben die wichtigsten DNA-Reparaturmechanismen auf molekularer Ebene entschlüsselt.

2015 Nobel Prize in Physics: Changeable ‘ghost particles’

Research: Stephanie Hanel

2015 Nobel Prize in Physics: Changeable ‘ghost particles’

The Japanese Takaaki Kajita and the Canadian Arthur B. McDonald share the Nobel Prize for the discovery of neutrino oscillation.The Japanese Takaaki Kajita and the Canadian Arthur B. McDonald share the Nobel Prize for the discovery of neutrino oscillation.

Nobel Prize 2015: The Fight Against Tropical Parasites

Research: Susanne Dambeck

Nobel Prize 2015: The Fight Against Tropical Parasites

One half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine goes to Youyou Tu, the other half is shared by William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura.Der diesjährige Nobelpreis geht zur Hälfte an die Chinesin Youyou Tu, die andere Hälfte teilen sich William C. Campbell und Satoshi Ōmura.

Lindau Alumna Anaïs Orsi wins Prix L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science

Science & Society: Max Benatar

Lindau Alumna Anaïs Orsi wins Prix L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science

The French climate scientist talks about her research, role models and life in an arctic camp.The French climate scientist talks about her research, role models and life in the arctic camp.

Maria Goeppert-Mayer – the ‘magic numbers’ champion

Research: Stephanie Hanel

Maria Goeppert-Mayer – the ‘magic numbers’ champion

Life and work of the brilliant theoretical physicistLife and work of the brilliant theoretical physicist