The Manhattan Project – Life in Los Alamos

Science & Society: Stephanie Hanel

The Manhattan Project – Life in Los Alamos

The human side of the project that led to the atomic bomb.The human side of the project that led to the atomic bomb.

What is Coherent Light?

Research: Eduardo Oliva Gonzalo

What is Coherent Light?

Find out what the Roman legionaires from the Asterix comics have to with physics.Find out what the Roman legionaires from the Asterix comics have to with physics.

Roy Glauber and his time in Los Alamos

Science & Society: Stephanie Hanel

Roy Glauber and his time in Los Alamos

Interview at the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingInterview at the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Life in Super-Resolution: Light Microscopy Beyond the Diffraction Limit

Research: Meeri Kim

Life in Super-Resolution: Light Microscopy Beyond the Diffraction Limit

Physicists and Nobel Laureates Stefan Hell and Steven Chu use super-resolution light microscopy to investigate the cellular world on a nanoscopic scale.Physicists and Nobel Laureates Stefan Hell and Steven Chu use super-resolution light microscopy to investigate the cellular world on a nanoscopic scale.

Carl Wieman: Teaching Science More Effectively

Science & Society: Susanne Dambeck

Carl Wieman: Teaching Science More Effectively

Nobel laureate Carl Wieman is passionate about teaching physics and math more effectively: students should not only learn facts but start thinking like scientists. Nobel laureate Carl Wieman is passionate about teaching physics and math more effectively: students should not only learn facts but start thinking like scientists.

Gravitationswellen und Exoplaneten: Unterschiedliche Wege zum Nobelpreis

German: developer

Gravitationswellen und Exoplaneten: Unterschiedliche Wege zum Nobelpreis

Unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen können zu unerschiedlichen Entdeckungen führen - einige der Größten werden am Ende mit dem Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet.Unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen können zu unerschiedlichen Entdeckungen führen - einige der Größten werden am Ende mit dem Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet.

How Positrons Can Help Explain the Universe

Research: Susanne Dambeck

How Positrons Can Help Explain the Universe

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS detects many excess positrons that could be the result of collision between dark matter particles.The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS detects many excess positrons that could be the result of collision between dark matter particles.

Scientists as modern nomads in a globalised scientific world

Science & Society: Stephanie Hanel

Scientists as modern nomads in a globalised scientific world

The question facing individual countries is: brain drain or brain gain?The question facing individual countries is: brain drain or brain gain?

Quantum Computing: How, What, and Why

Research: Susanne Dambeck

Quantum Computing: How, What, and Why

Large-scale quantum computing will change our lives as much as the internet revolution and cell phone revolution - when it materializes.Large-scale quantum computing will change our lives as much as the internet revolution and cell phone revolution - when it materializes.

Smartphones, Energy-Efficient Lamps, and GPS: How Nobel Laureates’ Work Impacts Today’s Technology

Research: Meeri Kim

Smartphones, Energy-Efficient Lamps, and GPS: How Nobel Laureates’ Work Impacts Today’s Technology

Although cosmology and particle physics may dominate the meeting this year, other fields in physics can make their mark on society as well.Although cosmology and particle physics may dominate the meeting this year, other fields in physics can make their mark on society as well.

Neutrinos sind der Schlüssel um das Universum zu verstehen

German: developer

Neutrinos sind der Schlüssel um das Universum zu verstehen

Die Geschichte der Neutrinoforschung bis zum Nobelpreis 2015 für Kajita & McDonaldDie Geschichte der Neutrinoforschung bis zum Nobelpreis 2015 für Kajita & McDonald

Austria’s Ambitions in Science & Research showcased at #LiNo16

Research: Stephanie Hanel

Austria’s Ambitions in Science & Research showcased at #LiNo16

Opening ceremony of the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting with guest of honour Heinz Fischer, Federal President of AustriaOpening ceremony of the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting with guest of honour Heinz Fischer, Federal President of Austria