Fact-Checking – An Effective Weapon Against Misinformation?

Science & Society: Jude Dineley

Fact-Checking – An Effective Weapon Against Misinformation?

The rise of the internet and social media has led to a deluge of misinformation. Fact-checking is one of the tools being used to fight it.

CRISPR-Cas: The Holy Grail Within Pandora’s Box

Research: Judith M. Reichel

CRISPR-Cas: The Holy Grail Within Pandora’s Box

Few molecular techniques have had such an impact on the scientific community and the public alike as the CRISPR-Cas gene-editing tool. What future diagnostic and medical potential does the tool hold?

In Transition: Scientific Publishing in the Life Sciences

Life as a Scientist: Ulrike Böhm

In Transition: Scientific Publishing in the Life Sciences

Scientific publishing is about to undergo drastic changes for the better. Preprints are on the rise, and they are gaining momentum. Nobel Laureates Randy Schekman and Martin Chalfie comment on publishing practices in the life sciences.

What Your Advisor Didn’t Tell You: You’re a Super Hero and You’ve Got Yottatons of Skills

Life as a Scientist: Alaina G. Levine

What Your Advisor Didn’t Tell You: You’re a Super Hero and You’ve Got Yottatons of Skills

How to recognise your skills and opportunities using the Skill Inventory Matrix

Science Should Prepare for a Marathon

Science & Society: Neysan Donnelly

Science Should Prepare for a Marathon

Scientists cannot insulate themselves from political and societal trends. On 14 April 2018, people all over the world will take to the streets to March for Science.

A Once-In-A-Lifetime Experience

The Lindau Experience: Mark Williams-Wynn

A Once-In-A-Lifetime Experience

Lindau Alumnus Mark Williams-Wynn on what he liked most about the 67th Lindau Meeting

“The Networks Created Will Benefit My Scientific Research Career for Years to Come”

The Lindau Experience: Nolwazi Nombona

“The Networks Created Will Benefit My Scientific Research Career for Years to Come”

Nolwazi Nombona on her experience as a young scientist at the 67th Lindau Meeting

Regulating Synthetic Biology When Its Risks Are Unknown

Science & Society: Melissae Fellet

Regulating Synthetic Biology When Its Risks Are Unknown

The social implications of synthetic biology are unknown, but researchers and social scientists are already thinking of ways to craft fair safety regulations

#LindauForLife: Leverage Lindau for a Long and Beloved Career

Life as a Scientist: Alaina G. Levine

#LindauForLife: Leverage Lindau for a Long and Beloved Career

To achieve career bliss, you have to start by recognising your own power as a STEM-educated professional.

Harnessing the Power of Technology for Health Care

Science & Society: Neysan Donnelly

Harnessing the Power of Technology for Health Care

Smartphone-based apps are driving a revolution in health care.

Rethinking Authorship

Life as a Scientist: Daniel Hornburg

Rethinking Authorship

Author positions serve as the key currency in academic careers. This needs to change, argues postdoctoral fellow Daniel Hornburg.

“The Quality of Students Has Improved Enormously.”

The Lindau Experience: Ralph Burmester

“The Quality of Students Has Improved Enormously.”

Nobel Laureate Edmond Fischer on his first Lindau experience and the transformation of the Lindau Meetings since the early 1990s